AIB Who has still not got the capital write down or heard from AIB , who got the €1,615?

Brendan Burgess

It seems that, by now, most people have got the capital write down or a letter telling them that they will be getting it, but some have not.

I would like to identify if there are any factors which put those who have not got a capital write down yet or who have not received a letter.

Could you reply to this thread if you have

1) Got the €1,615 two years ago
2) still got your mortgage with AIB
3) not got a capital write down yet
4) not got a letter telling you that you will be getting a write-down

Can you think of any features which might make you different?
  • Are you in arrears?
  • Were you in deep arrears when the fixed rate ended?
  • Have you a split mortgage?
  • Have you separated from the person with whom you have a joint mortgage?

Please do not reply to this thread if you have switched to another lender.
Please do not reply if you have received a letter telling you that you will be getting the write down
Please do not reply if you have paid off your mortgage.
Please do not reply to this thread if you have sold your home, paid off your original mortgage, and taken out a new one with AIB.

The objective of this thread is to identify the extent of people who have not had a capital write down yet and to establish some reasons for it.

Please do not take the thread off topic letting off steam about how badly AIB has handled this. Do that in the other threads.

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Still waiting . Got the 1615. Previously in arrears . Received a write down of arrears and split mortgage in 2015.
I suspect anyone on a split mortgage is still waiting . I am not sure if they will apply the write down to the active or warehoused
Got the €1,615 in March 2018.

Was in arrears and had arrears capitalised and few years added to term of mortgage. Still no write down
It’s amazing how many people don’t read the title of the post. For people who have NOT received redress.....
Any way, I haven’t, I got the letter, still with AIB, no redress as yet. Never In arrears, no split mortgage, not separated.
It seems that most people have got the capital write down at this stage, but some have not.

I would like to identify if there are any factors which put those who have not got a capital write down yet.

Could you reply to this thread if you have

1) Got the €1,615 two years ago
2) still got your mortgage with AIB
3) not got a capital write down yet

Can you think of any features which might make you different?
  • Are you in arrears?
  • Were you in deep arrears when the fixed rate ended?
  • Have you a split mortgage?
  • Have you separated from the person with whom you have a joint mortgage?

Please do not reply to this thread if you have switched to another lender.

The objective of this thread is to identify the extent of people who have not had a capital write down yet and to establish some reasons for it.

Please do not take the thread off topic letting off steam about how bad AIB has handled this. Do that in the other threads.

Hi I have a split mortgage, did receive the letter but have not heard anything yet .
It’s amazing how many people don’t read the title of the post. For people who have NOT received redress.....
Any way, I haven’t, I got the letter, still with AIB, no redress as yet. Never In arrears, no split mortgage, not separated.

It's amazing and very annoying. I was wondering was some part of the title and the first post unclear. I am glad someone else shares my annoyance.

I have deleted all the posts which were off topic - telling us about their write down.
Still waiting here too. Got the €1615 and have a split mortgage (no write down).

I did receive a random letter today from Aib that if I wanted to break out of my fixed rate I could do that now for 0 euro. We actually did that a few months back (following advice from here) and we received same letter today but I didn’t request it again so assuming they must be working on our account or something.
No write down payed in yet. Not in arrears. Did take a payment break for covid but only 3 months.
I did have my case pending with Ombudsman.
Thank you Brendan
I was told today by the helpline payments were being made in batches so as to reduce the phone call queries to the helpline . Not sure it had any merit as an excuse . I was told it would be days not weeks until the write down occurred but let’s see .
I’m still waiting also, received €1615 and not in arrears. I topped up my mortgage a number of years ago which generated a new account number. So the account number that was subject of this redress is now closed but I still have a mortgage outstanding with AIB on the same property. They said because accounts in question closed I will get a cheque for capital write and interest.
Got the €1,615 in March 2018.

Was in arrears and had arrears capitalised and few years added to term of mortgage. Still no write down
Opted out of a fixed rate myself in November 2008 for a cheaper variable rate just 1 month after trackers were with drawn. Fixed again for 3 years in October 2009 and when that expired in October 2012 No tracker offered obviously. expecting redress from 2012. No capital write down yet though ...
Hi, I received the letter two years ago, I am still with AIB and haven’t yet had a capital reduction. I have never been in arrears or split mortgage etc. All straight forward and I have 3.2 in my contract.
haven't got the write down yet either

got the cheque
never in arrears
not separated
no split mortgage
Still with AIB

we broke out of the fixed rate mind you but I believe plenty of other people who broke out of the fixed rate have gotten a capital write down.

starting to get a little tetchy
.... in hindsight my wife had a second mortgage, taken in her own name before we met that she had problems with during the course of this mortgage.

Payment break but no write down and mortgage paid in full when we sold it.
Thanks guys

There doesn't seem to be any Rhyme or Reason to it.

OK, complex cases like split mortgages are delayed.

But ordinary ones are delayed as well.

Got the cheque, no amendment to accounts so far.

Mortgage is split, one half was staff.
We topped up with a 3rd mortgage account to do extension 5 years ago and they made us close the accounts in "staff business" and reopen in a branch to do it.
We will just have to hang tough . Hopefully it will be sorted sooner rather than later . No value in ringing the helpline they won’t give any progress updates . All you can is keep an eye on your internet banking