Who are these FF supporters?

I think there's also a reverse Bradley Effect in operation in this country. There are many who say they will not vote FF and yet will do so when push comes to shove.

It's unspeakably depressing.
All politics are local. FF are quite popular at local level. Just watch Wille O' Dea and Martin Cullen pull in thousands of No 1s in the next General Election!!!
All politics are local. FF are quite popular at local level. Just watch Wille O' Dea and Martin Cullen pull in thousands of No 1s in the next General Election!!!
No chance of Martin Cullen being elected in Waterford in the next election.
I'm originally from south Kerry and the support for FF is unbelievably strong still, wait for the next election when John O'Donoghue gets re elected.
Personally I believe that young people don't think for themselves politically, they just vote for the same muppets their parents vote for.
No chance of Martin Cullen being elected in Waterford in the next election.

I really would like to think he won't. After calamity coughlan he is the least able minister in the cabinet.

He must be magic. There's no other explanation for this man and his success.

When asked to do something for his constituents he goes all out to get it done. 'Get onto Wille O' Dea' is as popular a saying as 'yella jam'!! (No offence intended to anyone from limerick)

He lives in a very modest house and goes around Limerick popping into pubs chatting away, shaking hands and kissing babies.

I'm originally from south Kerry and the support for FF is unbelievably strong still, wait for the next election when John O'Donoghue gets re elected.
Personally I believe that young people don't think for themselves politically, they just vote for the same muppets their parents vote for.

JOD will be re-elected on the 'don't let those jackineens in dublin tell us what to do here in kerry' platform.

I think the civil war is still a major factor in party loyality, especially in rural Ireland. Plus, a-nod-and-a-wink politics was the way things were done in this country for a long time and no party perfected it like FF. Irish people like a bit of a-nod-and-a-wink politics when it suits them. Its only when it goes so badly wrong like the situation that we find ourselves in now that we put on our moral hat and start tut-tutting.
No chance of Martin Cullen being elected in Waterford in the next election.

If he were big in to supporting trade unions I would say that you would be one of the first to support him. Different strokes etc....
Clearly a lot of the voters are not covinced about the Opposition. There is too much of a difference in the policies of FG and Labour.
Also look at the way FG are treating their "GOLDEN BOY" George Lee.
Despite his popularity and credibility with the public he is not being given any position of worth and is sidelined in economic matters.
Kenny claims that he will make the hard decisions. But he doesn't want to offend Bruton or Varadakar by giving George Lee a prominent position in the economic/finance area.
He justs wheels Lee around the country like a circus showpiece.

And as for Joan Burton. Absolutely no financial credibility in my opinion.
Clearly a lot of the voters are not covinced about the Opposition. There is too much of a difference in the policies of FG and Labour.
Also look at the way FG are treating their "GOLDEN BOY" George Lee.
Despite his popularity and credibility with the public he is not being given any position of worth and is sidelined in economic matters.
Kenny claims that he will make the hard decisions. But he doesn't want to offend Bruton or Varadakar by giving George Lee a prominent position in the economic/finance area.
He justs wheels Lee around the country like a circus showpiece.

And as for Joan Burton. Absolutely no financial credibility in my opinion.

What position would you suggest that he be given?

You can't just take someone of the streets with no political experience and put them on the front bench. George Lee will definately have his time and probabely will get a portfolio in the next government. As good as he is (and he is very good) I honestly do not think he would be better than Bruton in Finance or Varadkar in Enterprise.
I agree that part of the problem is that FG are led by Enda Kenny. The guy comes across as spineless a bit of an eijet/dope.

I despise FF and the Greens, but I can't bring myself to vote for FG, and I don't like Labours connection with the trade unions.

If a new party launched - really tough on crime and economics - they'd get my vote.
The major downfall of Enda Kenny is that he is a poor public speaker. I think he is pretty good as a leader behind closed doors but no amount of spin doctoring and lessons in public speaking will make him able to deliver to the public.

A new party would definately shake the whole political arena up. And while we are at it... I wouldn't say no to a new constitution!! The system we have has failed. Lets start with a blank page and the lessons we have learned!!
I agree that part of the problem is that FG are led by Enda Kenny. The guy comes across as spineless a bit of an eijet/dope.

I despise FF and the Greens, but I can't bring myself to vote for FG, and I don't like Labours connection with the trade unions.

If a new party launched - really tough on crime and economics - they'd get my vote.

We had one like this it was called the Progressive Democrats
If a new party launched - really tough on crime and economics - they'd get my vote.

Indeed there was such a party, I believe they were called the Progessive Democrats!

Where are they now though??
You can't just take someone of the streets with no political experience and put them on the front bench.

Noel Browne? Alan Dukes?

We are in deep, deep trouble. We need to get all the talent we can.

As for the 27% supporting FF - how many relatives have they got? All those grateful appointees on state boards? All the pensioners who remember Charlies £5 top up per week. (I kid you not - neighbours 90 yr old mother still going on about it!).
And young people who just don't vote because they have been brought up in a one party state.
We had one like this it was called the Progressive Democrats

Indeed there was such a party, I believe they were called the Progessive Democrats!

Where are they now though??

They made the same mistake as the Greens... going into Government with FF.

Also, Michael McDowell's hard talk but soft policies made the party a joke.
Would you rather they sit on the opposition benches for ever impotent?

The Greens? Yes. I think we can all agree they have been absolutely useless in Government.

At least if they're on the opposition bench they can complain about and point out the stupid/corrupt things FF do.
Topic Reminder: Who are these FF supporters?

Does anyone know what the exact question and its context as asked in the survey?