Which Pushchair / Buggy do you recommend?



Hi - my first time here. We need to get a pushchair and I can't beleive the wide range of types and PRICES. All your experiences and suggestions welcome.

If you live in Dublin, the information evening hosted in Tony Kealy's each month is very useful. They demonstrate features of various model and, in my time, you're discouraged from buying on the night so it's a soft-sell approach. IIRC Mothercare do something similar.

While personal recommendations may be useful, it is a very subjective decision, e.g. price, ease of movement, how easy it is to collapse for storage. What one person may praise to the high heavens may be quite unsuited for you.
The best advice I've been given, is beg or borrow a lie down buggy for the first few months, then go and buy a mclaren. Lightweight, strong and easy to fold one handed.
That's very good advice. I have M&P 3 wheeler and a Maclaren in the boot of the car. I like the 3 wheeler when baby is small as they can lie down and have a good sleep, think a light buggy like a Maclaren is handy when baby can have a good nose at what's going on.
Dunnes recently were selling a BabyLo stroller with raincover for €29.99, I picked one up. Brilliant deal, plus BabyLo is irish!:)
I also have a M&P 3 Wheeler and a Maclarren. I only use my Maclarren going shoping as it takes up less space in the boot. I also use it if going on holidays as it is small for airplane, taxi and it will fit under table if eating out etc.

The 3 wheeler is so sturdy and strong and loads of room in it. The only drawback with my 3 wheeler is its heavy and the front wheel does'nt swivel (its 04), but I see the the new ones do swivel now. I would'nt part with it for the world. My Maclarren only gets used about once a fortnight and the 3 wheeler is used at least twice a week if not more.

If possible you should borrow a buggy for a 1st few weeks until you see what really suits your needs.
I found the [broken link removed] a great online resource.:confused: