Which New Gas Boiler? Recommendations anyone?

We had one of those and changed it to a Worchester Boosch last year. Last winter however the pipes outside the house frooze a lot. The company who installed it said they don't have a solution yet to this problem as they were not designed to be used in climates like we experienced this winter.

Anyone else experience this? I am extremely untechnical when it comes to this sort of thing - so if you have advise for me "speak slowly!"

Is sounds like your condensate discharge pipe froze and shut down the boiler. If your installation company does not have a solution to this, get a different company! The same boilers are installed in countries with far lower temperatures than what we experienced on a regular basis.

To avoid this, keep external pipe runs to a minimum and certainly below 3m in length externally. Increase the pipe diameter from to 22mm to 32mm and insulate the pipework with external grade insulation.
You can also install a thermostatically controlled pipe heater, but this is extreme and unnecessary if the above measures are taken.

If these measures are carried out properly, your pipework will never freeze again.