Which KW do I go for on non-boiler stove?


Registered User

Having finally decided on non boiler stove we're debating which is the right one to choose, its going to a normally cold room so we want to be sure of good heat.

The room is 9.5mts long by 4mtrs wide then half of it is 4mtrs high (we're breaking in the wall between kitchen and conservatory and the conservatory has a high ceiling, stove will be going Into this end)

We're liking the Hamco range, are they good?? And also wondering between the derg (12kw output) or the ennell (8kw) output..personally I prefer the latter but do you think it will throw out the required heat?

Assuming that room is normally cold then I guess the insulation is low so select that option. Looks like you need a 12-15KW stove.
You can use the room calculator and ask at a couple of showrooms, beware we found some salesmen we found prev selling what they had in stock, rather than what really suited our needs.

Perhaps you could look at improving insulation while your at it! Our own conservatory needed working on as cold night/winter but we decided to just glass frame if off from the kitchen as too much work required.

We put a mulberry yeats into our large sitting room and we have found it fantastic, only thing went for matt black as suited our fireplace and have found it a pain to clean.