Where were you on 9/11?

Leaders who have been installed and supported with the help of the West.

Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are all ruled by regimes that are either anti-Western or pre-date Western involvement in the area.
A number of countries that are allies of America get significant American investment but that doesn’t make them puppet states (if it did then we’d have to qualify as a puppet state as well). This sort of clientism has gone on in the Middle East since Roman times. In the Far East it has gone on for much longer.
America happens to be the strongest kid on the block at the moment. Eventually it will be someone else and they will exert their power in order to influence events to suit them. That’s the way it’s been for thousands of years and that’s the way it will continue to be. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either very naive or very... sheltered.
The question is what boundaries the dominant power works within. In the case of America it is usually far more restrained than the other big kids on the block, but there are notable exceptions. The high water mark of US intervention/imperialism was over 100 years ago. The two most despicably aggressive and unjust wars they ever fought were against Mexico (Texas and New Mexico) and Spain (in the Philippines).
Leaders, in Saudis case, who own 10% of American companies traded on the stock exchange.
Source please.
I was walking back to work and saw the smoke from the first plane on TV in the Phillips shop on Dame St/Georges St, spent the next couple of hours trying to contact a mate in NYC who I wasn't so worried about as she didn't work very near there. Turns out she was down quite near there for a course that day, found out she was okay the next day.
On 9/11 I was talking with my boss who informed me of his reasons for not awarding me with the going lowly promotion (and I may add I had busted my butt for the company). The successful candidate was one trained by me and since has not covered himself in glory. I thought things could not be getting worse, then I heard the news . . .

A month later I availed of an early exit package.
hill walking with trouble and strife from Glendlough to Cruagh Wood: car was torched in car-park so we had a long walk more while we waited collection.
Have not been since:)
Was off work that day - September is usually my quiet month, so take leave then. Was just finished lunch and went into sitting room to watch TV - switched on Sky News to get 2pm headlines and saw everything unfold from there. Newsreader (Kay Burley I think) took a while to cop onto what was happening in live pictures. Firstly assumed the plane was a small aircraft e.g. cesena then when the live pictures showed the second jet hitting, assumed that it was a reply even though both towers were in view in the live feed.

Rang a couple of people I know in States to find out what was going on. Was talking to one, who was working as a contractor in Washington at the time - said there was a sense of panic in the place particularly as the police had just ordered the total evacuation of the city and people were literally running for their lives like something out of a disaster movie.
I was 17 at the time & living at home: France. ...I was about to start a thrid level education in the tourism industry, which would have consisted of 2 weeks at school and 2 weeks in a tourism agency/tour operator. I was all set: was enrolled at school and had found a small travel agency to take me on.

That day though, I was at home, watching an episode of murder she wrote I believe when the screen flickered and scenes that I fought were from a movie were spread across the screen. It actually took me a few minutes to realise that this was not a movie but real life. The next ting was just tears, and more tears and even more tears.....I will never ever forget that day....

The History channel has a fascinating documentary on last wk end. Has any of you seen it? It retraced 9/11, min by min but this time from shootage captured by people pn the ground. Some witnessed it from their offices, some from their homes etc... It was very overwhelming. 10 years have gone by so quickly but 10 years later, I was again in tears as I can only imagine what people who were there that day had to go through.....
So many lives have been unfairly lost that is why when I hear all those conspiracies theories (saying this was orchestrated by US government) it drives me nuts!!!!

After 9/11, the agency I was due to work in every 2 wks as part of my program, could not take me onboard as tourism suffered straight away. I then decided it was time to pack my bags and head abroad: that is how I found myself here & 10 years later, I am still here and about to marry an Irishman. well next year) I wish I could have had the same path but not triggered by that awful awful day.