Where to purchaces "Catgut"?


Registered User
Hi, Would anyone know where I could buy " Catgut",at least I think thats what its called.. Its used for manequins in windows and is like an invisible wire.
Either in the Dublin area or online would be great.
I have googled it,most bizzare!!:confused:
Depending on what you want to use if for, fishing line or go to a shop which sells jewellery making items, you'll find quite a few transparent threads, on the reel it will tell you the weight it can hold.
There's a shop near the H'Penny Bridge that sells the stuff for making jewellery but it works out quite expensive.

If you weren't going to hang anything too heavy from it Hickeys also sell what is known as 'invisible thread'.
Thanks for the replies..

Will defo have a look at the fishing line version.

I really want the real thing though,so if anyone knows where I could purchase the actual catgut,Id be delighted.

Invisible thread would be too light to carry the weight.

I would need it to hold the weight of say a jumper, and it has to be invisible and thin.

Thanks again for your replies..:D