Re: ipod
Many of the have better sound quality, easier/cheaper battery replacement, better features, better host software and are cheaper which I consider more important. But if you value "cool" over these criteria then who am I to disagree?
Coolness, strong design and ease of use are definitely strong factors in why people choose the iPod and make it so popular. You can't deny that there is a certain street-cred missing from some of the competing MP3 players.
You have to balance the features you want versus the price and the design.
Also worth nothing:
a. AAC has better sound quality than MP3 even at the default 128kbps. AAC has been chosen as the audio format for 3G phones and for the PC content on high-resolution music discs such as DVD Audio discs.
b. The iTunes PC / Mac player is widely regarded as having best user interface and being the easiest to use. It will be even better when the iTunes download service is launched in Ireland.
c. Recent iPod models have better battery life.
I do agree however that iPods are priced
a bit on the high side, especially on this side of the Atlantic. A removable battery would also be a good idea.
Ultimately, I think the rumoured Flash-memory iPod will be a killer app. 1 GB SD cards are only €200 now, with higher capacities on the way. Flash players will blow Hard Disk players into the sunset.