Where to after School Board Of Management does not act?

Personally, absolutely worth it. How do you expect to effect real change by doing nothing. To be honest that was the attitude in the past in relation to recent scandals. Too many people did nothing. I don't want to hear in a few years time that this bully has seriously injured a child and I did nothing to complain about this irresponsible child, teacher and BOM Chairman. Maybe ours won't be the only letter on file, maybe there are other instances to make people think about whats going on. But there always has to be a first complaint.

Real change comes about by doing something and not about weighing up how much time, effort and energy it will take out of my life. I don't make that evaluation when children are involved. Perhaps if you or your child were treated the way we were you wouldn't be making such a prognosis but thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.
Think you might be mis-understanding me.

You've said that you are looking for an apology for the way you were treated.

I (personally) don't think the effort is worth it for an apology; it would be worth the effort if some real change was to be made. However, to effect change, you need to be specific about the change required.
...your child were treated the way we were..
My comments and observations are borne of experience.

What I detailed was a small subset of what this teacher has done. All of it is detailed within a letter sent to all concerned. Perhaps given our very recent experience we are probably in a better place to judge what effect this complaint may have but we will at least try rather than regret it in years to come.

To be honest I came on here to get advice on the question on the thread so thanks Paddy, etc for the support and the answers to my query. I wasn't looking for an opinion as to whether we should spend our time, effort or energy on this. We are doing it anyway but again, Thirsty, thanks for your reply.
Well i just want to say well done.
It will take your time up but it will be worth it.
Thanks for that jpeast. I know it will take time but even if it just raises awareness in that school then it will be worth it.
Have you spoken directly to the Parents Rep on the BOM? You should certainly bring the complaint to this person, and explain the kind of response you expect. Find out when this person is due for reappointment.
Complainer the issue is that it is a closely knit group which effectively controls the BOM. As it's a small community they are loath to step on each others toes and that is the problem. They are not willing to deal with this issue. We followed the complaints procedure as outlined in the link on page 1 so we expect them to do likewise. As they haven't we are forced to take it further.
I would suggest that the first step in taking it further would be a direct conversation with the Parents rep on the BOM. This person is elected by Parents, and will be up for reelection at some point.

I don't think the Parents Association will be a help to you, as they generally don't get involved in individual complaints (and rightly so).
The first step has long gone. We followed the procedure outlined in the link and in the schools policy documents. This states contact the following : teacher, principal, BOM. This is what we have done so accordingly we can now approach the Ombudsman as we have exhausted the existing guidelines set down by both the school and the department of education.
I can't see why you would NOT contact the Parents Rep on the BOM, given that they are elected by the parents. What have you got to lose.
Complainer the situation as I stated above is a very close knit group of people. We know from past experience from other parents that approach this particular person on the PA, and depending on whom you are complaining about, the complaint falls on deaf ears. Anway the immediate response in the past has been to complain to the Board of Management which we have done. The situation in the school really does have to be seen to be believed and it is only with outside scrutiny that something may be done.
Complainer, the Parents' Reps on the BOM are not there to take complaints/concerns/issues directly from the parent body. They are there to be representative of parents, not representives for parents and so MidlandsBase is correct that, after following the complaints procedure, there is nothing to be gained by speaking directly to the parents' rep.

As an aside, all BOMs are to be replaced next October/November. However, there is nothing to stop the same people being appointed.
Individuals other than serving teachers are only "elected" for nomination to a school's Board of Management. Appointment — not election — to the BoM is by decision of the Patron, sometimes following (but not necessarily bound by) the outcome of a secret ballot (see here, and appendices B & C).

The OP is quite correct in their approach and I must say I applaud their principled approach to a situation in which they clearly no longer have anything to gain.
+ 1.

It's a horrible situation but the injustice should not be ignored.

Can I just ask the OP whether they are a member of the minority religion represented in the school, and if not, whether they think this may be a contributing issue?
We are not a member of the minority religion and yes, we do believe this to be a contributing issue. Whilst this claim can be denied outright by the BOM their treatment of us cannot.
For what it’s worth I’d just like to add my voice to those supporting your stance here.
If there were more people like you this would be a better country to live in.
For what it’s worth I’d just like to add my voice to those supporting your stance here.
If there were more people like you this would be a better country to live in.

Many thanks Purple for those kind sentiments and the support offered previously by the other contributors. It is good to know such support is out there.
I second what Purple has said what you are doing it very admirable and I wish you the best of luck.

I hope your son is very happy in his new school and he will grow up to be a great man with a father like you guiding him.
Thanks very much for that hollacia. That's very kind of you. Our son is getting on really well in his new school as is our daugher in her school.