You're on the money with that there. I watched that show and just couldn't believe how stupid Mitch really is. Talk about walking into traps....and then trying to dig himself out.
And this coming hot on the heels of Martin McGuinness' interview on BBC NI Heart & Minds in which the interviewer, fair play to him, took Marty to task over the bank robbery. Interviewer, unlike the goons on RTE received to take Marty's word as gospel and asked him if he really expected the public to believe him. Marty was getting so worked up the vein bulging on his head was indicating that he might just dish out a few digs to the head of the interviewer.
But then Marty, not unlike Mitch, found a lovely gotcha, by which he 'nailed' the interviewer by rebutting his claim that the RA are heavily involved in crime such as cigarette smuggling, with the wonderful question 'Can you name one IRA member that has been convicted of cigarette smuggling?'. Again fair play to the interviewer cos he told him that that didn't matter and that the public weren't foolish enough, as the fact that Gallaghers route cigarette deliveries from Belfast to Dublin through Liverpool to avoid the frequent robberies demonstrates, to believe that the RA weren't up to no good. Marty sat there like as if he'd just proven the theory of relativity and kept taunting 'You can't name one can you?' like a kid. I only wish the interviewer had responded with 'Marty Al Capone only went down for tax evasion - are you seriously telling me that that means he wasn't up to criminal acts all over the shop?'.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry when you consider that around 10% of the population think these guys are fit to run the country.