What's happening on departures from Dublin Airport?

There was a very good plan to do this about 20 years ago to take the pressure off Dublin and to grow business in other towns and cities. It made perfect sense. Got ditched for the public service decentralisation programme, which was just thrown together.
The whole thing is preposterous.

Like a stadium, with an airport the data is there to tell you EXACTLY how many people will be coming an when.

It’s unforgivable.

There should be financial penalties for the DAA for poor service.
Remember that it was the cornerstone of a budgetary speech by Mc creevy before the dumped him on Europe.
I fly about a dozen times a year and 20 years after 9/11 I'm still spending hours in queues and still having toothpaste confiscated. The whole airport security approach is a blunt instrument. Something like 99.9999999% of travellers are zero risk and never will be no matter what and picking through their suitcases for nail scissors is a spectacular waste of their time and money.

I'd willingly submit to some kind of deep background check (and pay a few hundred euros for it) for say a five-year pass to not have to go through security screening within the EU and just a single ID check on the way to gate. I can't understand why absolutely nothing has changed in 20 years.
The Americans have a system like that for their citizens.
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The whole thing is preposterous.

Like a stadium, with an airport the data is there to tell you EXACTLY how many people will be coming an when.

It’s unforgivable.

There should be financial penalties for the DAA for poor service.
I thought there was financial penalties but they found a way to weasel out of it a couple of months ago, can't find a link to that story however
Oh theres probably GDPR implications with that, or some other reason either factual or not to do something sensible like that.

I collect pig based trinkets, cuff links, tie pins and other bits and bobs, coming back from London via Gatwick the scan couldn't detect the pig with wings, it was a small piggy bank, Victorian, came down to me ,

" Sir theres something in your bag that's causing us concern"
I replied " oh that would be the pig"
I was asked to take it out , I did and she brought it back and scanned it on its own and sent down the line in its own tray.

A very very tall Norwegian man was standing next to me was laughing saying that " it's the funniest thing he had seen in an airport "

the pig has wings....and mostly lead so funny shape
I was once stopped at the security check in Gatwick (hungover at the time which didn't help) and to this day the idiocy of it makes me laugh (mind you due to the hangover I was far from laughing at the time!).
Security Numpty: Sir we would like to inspect your bag as we have a concern
Me: Yeah sure whatever
SN (on emptying the bag contents): I wish I hadn't seen this sir
Me: Eh what?
SN: I'm afraid this item should be in a sealable bag sir (referring to a childs comic which had a tiny lip gloss sellotaped to the front of it)
Me: It's a comic I bought in the Duty free shop (in the airport) for my daughter
SN: Nevertheless I either need to confiscate it or you need to return to the back of the queue (about 30 minutes long) once you put said comic into a sealed bag
Me (silently): Bite your tongue, bite your tongue

Jumped up unthinking robots ...
I was passing through Schipol airport about 10 years ago. My Passport was 7 years old. The Security guy looked at the photo in it then me, then back to the photo. Finally looking back at me he said "7 years... it's been a long 7 years...". We both laughed. Then I cried a little inside.
The above is the offending "flying pig ", forgot to say I had a book mark in the shape of a sword, about 1.5inches put it and the book through, never stopped it nor asked me anything about it.
Gone through both City Airport and East Midlands in the past with a large bottle of water in my bag that I had forgotten to take out. Over the minimum size so should have been spotted and dumped. On both occassions I emailed the airports when I got home and to their credit, they both reached out, asked for an approximate time I went through and boarding pass details and I presume/hope they checked CCTV and spoke to the people at their end. Made me questions what really was the point it it all