What would a shop have a Free Bluetooth Access point for?


Registered User
Passed a shop locally this morning that had a sign saying that it was a Free Bluetooth Access point. Having googled such access point I see that they used it at Oxygen to download the event guide. I was just wondering why would a coffee/general shop have free access. I suppose an answer would be turn on my Bluetooth and find out!
Aha. It's something that O2 has installed and I think its called Bluenote or Bluenotes (I'll google that now). Apparently if your Bluetooth is on, it delivers news etc once a day to your phone. However I couldn't seem to get it to work for me.
Be careful accepting bluetooth messages while out. I picked up a nokia virus one day while out shoping, Luckily I had a sony ericson and couldn't open it so I passed it on to my friend to see what it was and "bam" his phone kept sending text messages to everyone in his contacts. It took him two days to get it off his phone and he wasn't to happy with me...
Once I see the word 'Free', I run for the nearest exit!

These people are (literally) desperate to get in your pocket.

My BlueTooth is off all of the time.
Correction - it's called Bluenotes - and I'll still cannot receive it. Ah well after 'junk mail', who needs 'junk texts'.