What to get from employer before I am made redundant


Registered User
A friend is been made redundant and as he is not the last one in he thought the person there 3 years would be gone before him who is there 5 years.They both work in sales doing the same job.

He was told the other person was better for the job than he was,he was told his skills are not as good as other person,phone manner etc.

This was never brought up in any review and he has never had a bad review,good time keeping , rarely out sick.other person alot more sicks but also a good worker.
He was told by NERA to take the redundancy as he really has no choice and then he can take a unfair selection case after he leaves .
The NERA said the first in first out is not a valid reason to be made redundant
This is a multinational company in Cork where he can challenge this to the HR department but as we all know they usually never go against the decision already made.
What should he ask for before he goes,ie copy of reviews is all I can think of, all advice welcome
Re: What to get of employer before I am made redundant

Is your friend getting paid more than statutory redundancy? I thought employers got you to sign a letter accepting the redundnacy settlement and stating that you would not be sueing etc? can employers do this?
Re: What to get of employer before I am made redundant

Is your friend getting paid more than statutory redundancy? I thought employers got you to sign a letter accepting the redundnacy settlement and stating that you would not be sueing etc? can employers do this?
He is getting paid an extra 3 weeks per year from the company, so far he has not signed anything
What he is entitled to is his last payslip, a P45 and a copy of the RP50. I would not have thought he was entitled to request a copy of his personell file but not sure.
He should ask for the reason for his selection for redundancy in writing. This should include the criteria that were used in selecting him/her over other employees.

jack2009 is correct above on the items above, and yes, you are entitled to ask for a copy of your personnel file. (oh, and ask for an employment reference letter while you're at it.)

having said all that, 3 weeks pay per year of service on top of statutory isn't a bad package these days at all, many companies are only offering statutory now.
Another thing that your friend might try, is rather than disputing the decision is accpeting but at the same time make a sympathetic plea that things are very tight etc and see if there is any chance that the 3 weeks can be increased at all!
having said all that, 3 weeks pay per year of service on top of statutory isn't a bad package these days at all, many companies are only offering statutory now.

What the hell :eek:, a friend of my is getting just statutory & a small present worth €200 for nearly 10 years of service, should he ask for more, considering the company is construction sector related.