What to build/What will sell.


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I have 7 sites all on half acres with own septic tanks, on which I have outlining planning permission, these sites are on my own land, i did not have to have to purchase.
Now rather than sell the 7 sites i would prefer to build 7 houses, sq. ft. 2600. I am located in North Leinster in an area between the sea and the mountains. This is very first adventure into this area and I need advice on what type of house sells, or should i say what type sells the best for the most ?.
I have contacted up to 4 different Architects- who to begin with are all very busy something to a 3 to 6 months waitings list, but in brief conversations with all of them, there all vary so much with such varying ideas, its very confusing. Surely there must be an agency out there to which i can pay to seek advice.
We had this conversation with our own architect when we wer building and considering building a house to sell on another site we own and he suggested that something unique and individual and a bit quirky will sell for the most money.
People want plenty of unique feature such as unusual windows etc.
The days of the bog standard dormer bungalow appear to be numbered, well at lest according to him.
He is based in Cork and has designed a number of ususual houses in our locality all of which I have liked......