Re: DIY Sat
I made up a quick and dirty shopping basket from my favourite site, who deilver UPS to Ireland ....anywhere in Ireland may I add.
I also increased the quality of the kit a tad and threw in 2 different twin LNB brackets for when you get good at fiddling with it
This kit will pick up all the free channels on Astra1 and Astra 2 at the same time and switch between the 2 LNBs. It is all a bit big but that is no hassle behind a house where no one will see it and the only missing item is a compass and a drill and screwdriver and spanner
Menge Preis Summe Art-Nr. Artikelbezeichnung Entfernen
1 44,00 44,00 10073-004 Gibertini Antenne 85cm grau
1 12,00 12,00 10331 Multifeed Gibertini 2-fach variabel
1 12,00 12,00 10329 Multifeed Gibertini 2-fach fix
1 104,00 104,00 10428 Topfield TF 4000 FE
28,00 56,00 10247 Invacom Single LNB, 40mm Feed, 0,3 dB
1 11,00 11,00 10118 Diseqc Schalter Gigant 2/1 S.162-CW
49,00 49,00 10465 Koaxkabel 7mm 100m Rolle 100dB
8 0,50 4,00 10464 F-Stecker 7mm mit Dichtung
39,00 39,00 10137-105 Wandhalter 80cm
As there is a lash of cable you can upgrade to 2 viewing stations in the house by getting these LNBs instead of the ones above (item 10247 above) and more F connectors and an extra diseq connectors and receiver , about another €150 on top of the €300 I make it
2 49,00 98,00 10244 Invacom Twin LNB, 40mm Feed, 0,3 dB
2 104,00 208,00 10428 Topfield TF 4000 FE
16 0,50 8,00 10464 F-Stecker 7mm mit Dichtung
2 11,00 22,00 10118 Diseqc Schalter Gigant 2/1 S.162-CW
You could save money and maybe get away with it but the above package is pretty idiot proof for a first timer as the LNBs are more sensitive and the dish is bigger which gives you the margin of error you may need.
Sky will charge you €100 install and about €30 a month for a year , taking the same amount of money off you in effect and leaving you none the wiser .
I make it it costs abouut €300 the kit but thats all upfront and with the tolerances I included including a bigger dish than you MAY need if you are an expert you can find the sats using the info I mentioned near the top of this thread and if you are no spot on it will still work perfectly even in rain .
There is also enough quality spec cable included to get the dish away from the front of the house where it would look ugly without signal loss.