What is happening to all the money going into these banks?


Registered User
I've just watched yet another news report about the surprise that the Central Bank has pumped more money into the six Irish banks than expected this month. It seems that there has been nothing but endless amounts of money pumped into these Irish banks. Where is it going and why is it not coming back out in the shape of loans to people and companies? What is the point of pumping all this money in endlessly if none is coming back out to the people?

Does anyone know why it appears that there is only endless money going in and very little coming out? Am I missing something? It just seems completely absurd at this stage. Surely, six new banks could have been started with the money from taxpayers and the EU-IMF!! We're a small country...how can the banks have so much debt? It seems to be a bottomless pit.

What is really happening to all this money? When are we going to see some progress? I would love someone to shed some light.