What is average family shop for 4 all over 18


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Just wondering what is the average weekly shop for a family of 4 all over 18.
If it's any help we're a couple with no kids and spend on average about €80 per week
But that doesn't included any alcohol bar the odd bottle of wine
On a side note, I have noticed that since Dunnes started the €10 off €50 our trips to the shops have gone from once a week
to multiple trips as we only spend the amount on the voucher or a close to it as we can get it
a bit away from your question but I have been doing our shopping on line and getting delivery every 6 days ie 5 shops a month. our shopping has reduced significantly over the year. considering we are eating all our meals at home I actually cannot believe how well we have done. Maybe one convenience meal a week other than that it is all cooked from scratch. Includes treats, wine, beer etc.this time last year we were paying €1400 now around €700.
Not quite the answer to your question but family of 4, 2 kids, 14 and 10 and a dog, for us around €140 a week including Saturday and Sunday papers. That's in a country down and not going anywhere near Lidl or Aldi. The odd week it might be a bit higher for wine, toiletries or once offs.
I started tracking this in January for our family of 3 with one child age 6. Our food spend from 25/01/2021 to 25/02/2021 is likely to be between €850 and €900. We use Aldi for the majority of our shop and go to a good butcher for our meats for Saturday and Sunday meals.
Is it a bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question?
Like Cervelo, we are a couple with no kids. I'm a vegetarian as well, so it actually works out cheaper.
Because we cook most things from scratch, and normally enough for 4 or 5 portions (no point in using 1/2 can of tomatoes/lentils/chickpeas etc.) We freeze portions so a meal costing around a fiver in ingredients can provide 4 dinners.
Whereas, if we were buying meat, and processed food, e.g ready meals, frozen pizzas etc, the weekly shop could double in price or more.
We've also gotten much better in reducing waste food since lock-down. Any veg that's on the way out, makes a 3ltr pot of minestrone soup, which does for the week.

I can see a weekly shop for 4, especially if two are in their twenties (assumption on my part) being a completely different animal.
Been doing the weekly shop for the past year, since lockdown and because I pay by credit card each week I have built up a good picture of our average weekly spend. Family of 5 (children are 10, 12 and 15) and our average weekly spend is around €160. Throw in the odd takeaway and it probably rounds to about €750 per month.
There are 5 of us, 4 adults and a 12 year old. Spending about €200 a week, including a few bottles of wine and beer. It could be lower if we tried or had to cut the bills, but its not a big deal for us.

You'd have to be very careful when looking at averages to make sure you are not comparing apples to oranges.

You can only compare if alcohol is removed and all shopping for the week is added up, including all trips to Centra etc.
Pre-Covid , I knew people who claimed their weeking shopping bill is low, but didn't include lunches at work and eating out at weekends, so it was only a fraction of their actual food bill.
€200 per week approx from supermarket, butcher and green grocer for family of 5. Kids under 5 years old. Little or no alcohol consumed.
depends what you include. We're a family of 5, kids are all teens so eating like starved horses. Weekly shop is probably between 150 and 200 (of which about 50% is cereal and milk :D). It has probably increased a bit during the pandemic because we're mostly using Tesco to reduce the number of shopping trips, whereas previously we alternated between Tesco, Lidl and Aldi.
a bit away from your question but I have been doing our shopping on line and getting delivery every 6 days ie 5 shops a month. our shopping has reduced significantly over the year. considering we are eating all our meals at home I actually cannot believe how well we have done. Maybe one convenience meal a week other than that it is all cooked from scratch. Includes treats, wine, beer etc.this time last year we were paying €1400 now around €700.
How many people is shop for?
2 adults, no children. Shopping once weekly in Dunnes since start of lockdown apart from a couple of trips to a fishmonger. All paid by credit card so have good visibility. About €200 per week, including fish excluding alcohol. Some premium ingredients as we are both foodies. Almost all meals prepared from scratch. Definitely spending less by being organised with a full list made the night before shopping and being strict about not dropping into shops at other times.
2 adults, no children. Shopping once weekly in Dunnes since start of lockdown apart from a couple of trips to a fishmonger. All paid by credit card so have good visibility. About €200 per week, including fish excluding alcohol. Some premium ingredients as we are both foodies. Almost all meals prepared from scratch. Definitely spending less by being organised with a full list made the night before shopping and being strict about not dropping into shops at other times.
Curious how much of the 200E is alcohol as looking for food shop information not alcohol
2 adults and two kids under 10.
About 550 euro per month on all groceries. Almost zero food waste and eat very well for that.
Occasional takeaway - about twice a month
We are two adults and our weekly shop is 120 eur a week from Aldi. Our shop usually includes, salmon, mince, chicken, fresh meats etc and those add up in price quickly.
3 adults, a teen, a child and 2 cats - I'd spend about €170 per week. I don't buy alcohol, husband would buy his own so it's not included in the €170. Do all shopping in SuperValu for now as it's very near us. The odd time I'd go to lidl I'd still end up spending as much as I'll inevitably end up buying stuff I don't need in the weekly offers aisle. I decide what dinners we'll have for 4-5 days and will make a list accordingly. Majority of the time I will stick to the list and not buy anything extra (unless it's in Lidl :) )