What happens when old HSE pension is less than state pension?


New Member
Hi All,

I am struggling to find an answer for what happens to those in my situation.

I worked in Ireland before emigrating.

I have 10 years of PRSI Class A contributions. For 7 of these I was in the old pre 2013 HSE superannuation scheme, for the other 3 I was working in the private sector.
I just received an estimate of my HSE pension, which is approx 1070 p.a at retirement. This is considerably less than the lowest contributory state pension of 110 a week which I would be entitled to.

I understand usually those on the HSE pension don't get the state pension, but what happens if this disadvantages the recipient compared to the state pension?
Public servants hired after April 1995 pay full-rate PRSI and will be entitled to the normal State Pension.