Health Insurance what do you lose if you move plans/companies?


Registered User
I was wondering what are the negatives of changing plans/companies? I think I read that if your new plan has a lower excess this doesn't apply for a while? Or is this only for existing conditions?

Also what if your previous plan on covers private hospitals and your new plan covers the 3 hi-tech ones, does this apply straight away?

If your previous plan covers private hospitals and your new plan covers the 3 hi-tech ones, there is a 2 year wait but just for pre-existing illnesses,
in respect of the 3 hi-tech hospitals only.
Any new illnesses arising after renewal on the new plan will be covered in the 3 hi-tech hospitals.

Likewise with a lower excess, a 2 year wait applies for pre-existing conditions only before the lower excess applies.
In saying that it depends on the hospital, as the excess amount is paid directly to the hospital not to the health insurance provider.
Sometimes this rule is not strictly applied.

Regards, Snowyb