What besides toilet paper would you bring to a desert island?

I found a smilie for my Island

I don't know if it will work or not but it's worth a try.

Guess not!!!
I just had a horrible thought about the toilet paper on this island, is it turned in or out?
Well that's simply ridiculous.

It's lying in the sand, damp and squishy....
Why one match when you've made concessions to others?!? Oh ok so, The one match I'd bring would be myself and Halle Berry....

Rabbits to breed like rabbits so I wouldn't starve.....

I know its not what you wanted but I couldn't get the real one so I have the next best.

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Not gulity!

I came back to the island and rescued Smashbox and we're now living happily in a commune on Cape Clear island!

Now that you've removed out means of escape any chance of coming back for the rest of us.

Please we've no more clean socks and well quite frankly they don't seem to fussy about personal hygiene.

Get me out of here!!!

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Now yer talking!!!

No longer lying in the sand
Now that you've removed out means of escape any chance of coming back for the rest of us.

Please we've no more clean socks and well quite frankly they don't seem to fussy about personal hygiene.

Get me out of here!!!

Smashbox and myself just conveved a meeting here with the Elders of the commune and they like us so much that they won't allow us to leave Cape Clear!

I personally think they're afraid we'd bring ye back to Cape and that ye'd affect the Utopian balance they've established here with their years of prayer, meditation, goat herding and contemplation!

Smashbox actually led us in prayer tonight. You'd have been very proud of her!
I personally think they're afraid we'd bring ye back to Cape and that ye'd affect the Utopian balance they've established here with their years of prayer, meditation, goat herding and contemplation!

That's a whole different Cape Clear to the one I know, all those good folk must move out on the August bank holiday I guess.