Weston, Lucan


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Hi. I'm looking at houses in around Weston, Lucan. I had a drive around but as far as I can see the nearest shops are either in Celbridge, Leixlip or in Lucan village. I couldn't see any shops in walking distance to the estate. Do you know if there are facilities (shops, pubs etc) in walking distance? Also, as its so near to the airport, is overhead noise a major issue? There day I was there it was fairly quiet but it was quite windy so I'm sure a lot of planes were grounded. Many thanks.
its mostly small planes (private) that fly over there and its always during the day. They are fairly regular but they aren't that load really. There is a new Londis going into primrose gate (celbridge) its a couple of miles up the celbridge road and no good for walking but at least you won't be hitting any traffic. I have a friend who lives there and really likes it there.
Airport is the biggest issue there. They added a section to the end of the runaway for "safety" reasons a year or so ago, but it points to expansion in the future. Helicopter and private jet traffic is the worst, you would probably get used to the flying chainsaws that currently annoy everyone living there. Situation currently barely tolerable, and can only get worse -- he didn't buy this place as a hobby!

I would avoid Weston until I see a plan for a building project on the airport runaway!
Weston and Kew Park beside it, would be quite well sought after estates in Lucan. They are slightly isolated when it comes local amenities. You would probably need a car to go to shops etc.

I don't believe that Weston Airport could ever be expanded, more likely the type of planes using it may change. I know about 4 or 5 years ago it got a bit ridiculous during the summer as there was a plane taken off or landing every couple of minutes. The number of flights has been reduced as flight training is now being conducted via simulators rather than flights.

If you are concerned about the airport, you should sit in the housing estate on a weekend afternoon and see what you think. Weston airport has an observation terrace/restaurant/bar so you could go up there as well for your lunch.
It's amazing, last summer all I heard from residents of Weston was how bad the noise was from the planes, that it had got considerably worse, and that it was going to get to worse again as that lovely Mansfield chap was seeking to extend the airport. They were on the radio every other day about it, danger this, noise that. Yet when they go to sell, ah sure it's not that bad, one of the most sought after areas in Lucan dontcha know.

There's the Spa hotel and nightclub and the West Country pub 10 mins down the road and the Springfield hotel in Leixlip 10 mins walk the other way. There's a car dealership near the entrance and a par 3 golf course the other side of the motorway. So pretty much all the facilities one could need these days really.
It's amazing, last summer all I heard from residents of Weston was how bad the noise was from the planes, that it had got considerably worse, and that it was going to get to worse again as that lovely Mansfield chap was seeking to extend the airport. They were on the radio every other day about it, danger this, noise that. Yet when they go to sell, ah sure it's not that bad, one of the most sought after areas in Lucan dontcha know.

There's the Spa hotel and nightclub and the West Country pub 10 mins down the road and the Springfield hotel in Leixlip 10 mins walk the other way. There's a car dealership near the entrance and a par 3 golf course the other side of the motorway. So pretty much all the facilities one could need these days really.

I'm not a resident of Weston. I've no interest in Property in Weston. I don't see a mass exudus from the estate and it is a fact that it is considered to be a very good estate in Lucan. The prices the houses in Weston/Kew Park attain is testament to that.

It's my opinion that the airport won't get bigger, I don't know what the residents of Weston are saying or believe.
I know Lucan fairly well and, as said above, Weston has always been regarded as one of the better estates/areas. Good reputation, good area, etc.

On the airport - I passed it for the first time in a couple of years recently and couldn't believe how big it had become, for a minute I thought I'd taken a wrong turn and was driving past Dublin airport :confused:

I know in the past the only planes that flew in and out of it were the ones with lawnmower engines, wondering if it's taking much bigger craft these days? Would have thought that would be an issue if you were interested in Weston.
I lived in a house in Weston Meadow. Lovely estate, however, walls are paper thin, and we could hear everything from next door, e.g. toilet flushing, wardrobe doors closing, television, voices etc. I once met a brickie and plasterer who worked on these houses. The original builder went bankrupt, they told me that the workmanship was poor, as everyone was in a rush to finish the estate ang get out. Having said this, besides the noise problem, I did like living there. However, I was glad to move to a detached house down the country afterwards.
Having lived in Lucan (not Weston), I too can confirm that it is one of the better areas of Lucan - always has been. Know a couple who moved from Hillcrest in Lucan(only down the road) to Weston and love it there.
Many thanks for the info guys. Great info and much appreciated. Now we'll just have to get the offer accepted :) Cheers