Well - Smell from water


Registered User
We recently got a well drilled and got the pump attached etc,
Its now connected up to house etc (we haven't used it much yet apart from central heating)
The problem is there is a slight smell from the water
I'm told that i should switch an outside tab on for 5 or 6 hours clear the well of dirt As the drilling machine would have unsettled the soil?

Did anyone else have similar experience

We are getting our water tested next week, shoudl know if its safe to drink

Note; there are no farms or houses within 2 miles of the site

You are well advised to let the water run for a while . Also when taking the test samples it should run before the samples are taken . Standing water can go foul , so by keeping the tap open the bacterias and their by products will be washed out . Provided the source as such -the ground water- is clean .