Welfare Payment?

ok maybe was bit harsh but i posted looking for advice not judgement
I simply asked a straight and pertinent question. Not my problem if you bizarrely misinterpreted it as some sort of judgement!
makes me feel im being judged,i apolgise for any offence...im not racist just fed up
So - third time lucky ... were you actually seeking employment? If not then you are mistaken here about it being "crap":
well they claimed i wasnt genuinely seeking employment...but that was crap...i appealed but it was disallowed?
I simply asked a straight and pertinent question. Not my problem if you bizarrely misinterpreted it as some sort of judgement!
ok misinterpretation then
So - third time lucky ... were you actually seeking employment? If not then you are mistaken here about it being "crap":
i don't know...there was a problem with signing dockets and stuff before like,different stuff...they made the decision like i just had to go with it...what was i gonna do...appeal the appeal?
what was i gonna do...appeal the appeal?
If your claim and appeal were incorrectly rejected as you seem to be suggesting then - yes. Or use their complaints process. However I still wonder if it is YOU who are mistaken and that they were correct to reject the claim?
i happen to live outside of major cities with no transport structure in place mean i should be discriminated against?

There are many people who don't drive for whatever reason but there is a public transport system in place, I admit it is poor in rural areas but if you check you should see a bus that goes to and from your nearest big town or city morning and evening. If you feel that you may need to upskill or enhance your skills while you are unemployed why not enrol for a FAS course, they pay you expenses and an allowance for doing so, some of them even pay expenses towards accommodation if there isn't a course to suit you locally and you have to move to a different centre. There are always alternatives and you really need to take a more positive and proactive attitude, negativity should not even come into the equasion neither is it fair to transfer that negativity on to people who are trying to advise you. Goodluck in your search for work and remember there is always someone worse off than you somewhere...
Hi Gambitire
I had to sign on a few years ago and was given a form to fill in the names and addresses etc of jobs that I'd applied for, to prove I was looking for work. So I printed off e-mail correspondence with recruitment agencies, and also filled in details of jobs I applied for. Assuming the procedure is the same these days, you need to apply on spec to local companies/businesses even if there's no jobs advertised. That way you can genuinely say you are looking for work.
And good luck! I'm hope a vacancy will come along in your area soon

I agree with gambitire - the welfare system and its cohorts are behaving like Nazis Germany. I was turned down for jsa welfare payment as I was not looking for work in their option. I did provide what proof I could. I had then to go the cwo who (behind his safety cage and cameras) give me hell of abuse. He claimed to know of me working(I wish). The cwo treating me like a dog with verbal abuse and looking at me with disgust. I remember standing in line with others waiting to see him. He just walked in, said nothing and counted us with his finger slamming his door behind him. Anyway - I had to beg for a payment. Once my jsa appeal was turned down the cwo tried to then cut me off all payments and said he never seen anyone like me. I was in a bad way then and I still have nightmares. At this stage I was on antidepressants and had back problems. Even though I did not want to - I told the cwo of this. He laughed at me in front of others and told me half the country says they have a bad back. Every week I went to him for payment I got abuse - it was hell. I could write more disturbing details– but this might bring it closer to home for my liking. This country is sick and our welfare system needs to be overhauled. It’s a nice club for the welfare officers, cwo`s and others.
I think that they will give you a tough enough time gambitire if they have knocked you off the list before to be honest. They will review your situation but they will be questioning how you survived during the time you were not on welfare and why you have to go on it now etc...

How do your kids get to school and you to the shops etc if there is no transport? Is there not a local shop you could look for employment in? Is moving a possiblity? These are things you will have to consider as there is no guarantee the welfare will pay out to you...

I feel I have to say this in support of foreign workers in this country that a lot of them are doing the jobs a lot of irish don't want to do cos they don't like the work or pay such as working in petrol stations, cleaning and so on. They have no bearing on your current situation, so please don't shift the blame on to them.

Best of luck.
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