Weather reports

Mr Flapjack

Registered User
Anyone ever get annoyed by the absolute lack of specifics in the weather reports of the national radio stations??? They seem to cover all reasonable possibilities, rain, wind, "sunny spells" (I love that one), so that, regardless of how the weather turns out, they have it covered!
Given the very changeable weather we have - especially at this time of year - it doesn't bother/surprise me in the least. Weather forecasting isn't an exact science.
In January the met office accurately forecasted the snow three or four days in advance.

Which forecast to you listen to? I find the one after the nine oclock news on RTE to be the best although the farm forecast on RTE Radio 1 is very good as well.

The weather report on the RTE Radio 1's midnight news bulletin one night last week described "patchy rain showers with showers becoming patchy as the night wears on". Even the newsreader seemed a bit confused as he read it out...
Rain,snow.What does that matter to those who are frying in the sun ?
3 of the four affected populations recieved a warning from their gouvernment..... The Irish tourist board is marketing Ireland as a sunny destination.What is good for business . I forgot.

We live on a small island ON/IN the atlantic, how can you safly predict what the exact weather will be, if the weather doesn't even know... ;-)

Its very simple,unless it is middle of June/July and we are in the middle of a heat wave.... Bring an umbrella..... simple
Well,an ozone hole lasts for days,if not than for weeks over the same place.We had not been warned.What we experienced was the larges ever recorded ozone hole. From this week employers are legally responsible to protect their employees against increased UV radiation.How can they do that without a warning from the meterologists ?!

In future we will have sports events canceled " due to good weather" .