We needed to be careful that the office of President "didn't become feminised".


Former Presidential candidate Mary Banotti says she would like to congratulate Higgins, who will make a "lovely President". She said she thinks it was a time for male President. We needed to be careful that the office of President "didn't become feminised".

What other professions do we need to be careful about in case they become feminised?


Senior managment in my workplace are all women.

I had 3 of them in my office, tuesday I think, asking me had I the data they requested - I had got the emails in the previous hour or so. Each woman wanted different data and they were all trying to talk over each other.

While I was answering one of them, the other two started a mini meeting between themselves.

The one I was talking to then had to answere her mobile.

I sat there looking at the three of them as they now seem to forget I was there. My landline rang so I answered it with a - I can't talk right now. Then my mobile rang, so I left my own office to take it.

When I came back they were all gone and I haven't seen any of them since.

Bring back the men I say.
What other professions do we need to be careful about in case they become feminised?

its way too late for the teaching sector. certainly a gender quota should apply to gardai, when tony blair went to easons the male gardai manned the barricades as the female ones basically cowered in fear. accountancy is becoming very feminised.
its way too late for the teaching sector. certainly a gender quota should apply to gardai, when tony blair went to easons the male gardai manned the barricades as the female ones basically cowered in fear. accountancy is becoming very feminised.

I presume you posted that from your cave ;)

In Ireland for historical and cultural reasons Primary School Teaching (after infants) was male dominated. The "village school master" was a respected pillar of the community. In the last 30 years this has been reversed and we now have the situation which pertains in the US and England.

I think over half our medical school graduates are now female.
I'm not a parent but I had a fairly even mix of male and female teachers in both primary and secondary and I think this is a good thing. I don't know any men of my age who have gone into teaching. I think this is a shame.

I am a girl.
I agree that teaching is becoming (is?) feminised.
This is particularly the case at primary level. As many children from single parent families have no strong male role model at home it would be helpful if they had one at school. Regrettably this is now usually not the case.
What other professions do we need to be careful about in case they become feminised?

What does that mean, in case they become feminised? Two women successively do a job well, and the reaction is 'careful, now: we don't want this to become a Wimmin's Job'.