Waste Water Treatment Systems. bio-cycle

waste water treatment systems

re seanoconnor's post: could he advise please. i was advised to get a puraflo and am now being told that it is much more expensive than others and less efficient/reliable. we are in conamara, on glacial till + peat with a granite bedrock and on the coast. finding it very difficult to decide on this from brochures and anecdotal evidence is contradictory.
feileacan, I'm in Connemara also and changed my system to a Biocycle and find it a very good system. If you PM me and advise what part of Connemara you are in I will send you the details of who I used.
Hi, I had a Klargester system that was in the house when we purchased it. After spending a near fortune on it the entire packed up and we then replaced it with a Bio cycle plant which is fantastic. There are no moving parts in it (so nothing cab break) but only a Tank and an air pump to deal with the sewerage. We are in Oughterard and used a local bloke who you might know to put the new plant in which came from OC Environmental from Ballagherdereen in Roscommon. This is a fantastic system; is in two years and never a days problem. I have no connection with them but just a very satisfied customer. Let me know if you want names and numbers.