Wasp nest in shed looks abandoned - safe to remove?


Registered User
We discovered a wasps nest in our shed a couple of weeks ago and I rang a few places to find out about having it removed. It was about the size of a toddlers football when we first discovered it.

I was going to arrange for someone to come out this week to remove it but my husband was getting something from the shed yesterday and it appears to be split and there is no sign of any wasps in or around it.

Is it normal for something like this to happen or are they maybe just waiting to hatch out? Does anyone know anything about wasp nests? Is it safe to be removed by us or do we still need professionals?
They often abandon them, so I would say it's abandoned.

You will see very quickly if it's abandoned. Watch it for a while during the day. If it's active it's great to watch. There will be constant comings and goings.

To be extra safe, place a large bin under the nest. Line this with a bag/bin-liner. Then, cover yourself from head to toe, and using a long piece of wood or brush handle, dislodge the nest and allow it drop into the bin. Close over the bag to trap the contents.