Was Hobbs on the ball last night?


Registered User
Anyone know if Eddie was right last night??
He didn't give much hope to Ryan's Bakery in Ashbourne lasting too long so I was wondering was he on the ball - are they gone??
I hope they are still trading but I must say it didn't seem too promising for them on last nights show!

I live in Ashbourne and yes they are still trading. As you could see last night the shop was not showing alot of breads and cakes and their was no smell coming from it, like the smell you get in Marks and Spencers bakery
What surprised me was that the couple didn't take much (if any) of Eddie's advice, and yet they had asked for advice. As Eddie himself said, in exasperation, "why did you ask me to advise you?". I'm quite surprised that the shop is still there, but maybe they took his advice after all!