Warren Green, Baldoyle



i am looking at a 3bed semi in warren green baldoyle. has anyone any views on the estate (is it mostly young families or it it an older community?) or local area in general. seems like a nice area, but i had never been to baldoyle prior to viewing this house. work in town....any comments on the commute? also what is the story with the multi-coloured fronts to the houses there? looks a little naff to me. any info appreciated.
Re: Baldoyle

I've seen the house you're talking about (don't worry - I'm not buying, we've gotten somewhere else since seeing it so I'm not competition, and I'm not deliberately trying to talk it down. Take whatever I say with a pinch of salt anyway) and it does seem very nice. The estate is quite new, but it's in the 'good' area of Baldoyle.

The commute should be very doable. You're about ten minutes walk from Sutton DART station, although I imagine having to walk around and out the estate, and then having to go down Burrowfield Road to get back to pretty much where you started from might be annoying. Provided you're close enough to one of the stations in town you should be laughing.

There's two decent supermarkets quite close - the Lidl (or is it Aldi) down at the Racecourse Inn, and Superquinn up at Sutton Cross. I'm not sure what the schools are like in the area, but when I went to school in that neck of the woods (that's fifteen years ago *cry*) most of them were fine.

One thing that did occur to us when we were looking at it (and, again, take this with whatever scepticism you want) is how it compares to another house over in Meadowbrook that's on at the moment, and is about five minutes walk from Warren Green. Meadowbrook isn't as 'nice' an estate, but it's quiet and pretty mature. The house itself doesn't have the 'wow' factor as the Warren Green one, and I certainly would prefer to live in the latter straight away. However, the Meadowbrook house is a good bit bigger and a good bit cheaper. The question we were asking ourselves is how much you would need to make the Meadowbrook house as nice as the Warren Green one and how that compares to the difference in price between the two.

Good luck with whatever you do.