Wall damage by courier


Registered User
I had some firewood delivered recently, seems odd now given the current good weather but it was a good price! The courier used a motorized pallet truck to unload both pallets and place them against a boundary wall. As one of the pallets was not square - it had started to lean away from the pallet truck - the middle of the load hit the top of the wall before the bottom of the pallet was flush with the wall. This dislodged the top course of bricks and knocked a few completely out of place. My kids spotted it and said it to the driver who initially denied it but then said to contact the company. I've done so on several occasions and am always promised they will get back to me but it has been a month without any significant progress. What are my rights here? Is it the company who supplied the wood I should be chasing or the courier themselves?
Is it the company who supplied the wood I should be chasing or the courier themselves?

Who is your contract with? I assume the company who supplied the wood. The courier is their agent.

Unless you bought the wood and employed the courier to collect it for you, which seems unlikely.

Thanks Brendan, I dealt with the supplier alone and they arranged delivery. I also sent another email to the supplier and have been told to expect a call by the end of the week but its good to have it clear in my head who's responsible if they play games I'll just insist they pay for the repair.
I don't think a company can be held liable for damage caused by a courier, though they might assist you in applying some pressure to get them to resolve.
I've only gotten two informal quotes over the phone but to make it worthwhile both wanted in the region of €150 ex any materials and said it would take a couple of hours. I had thought it was less than an hour's work but I guess getting here, prepping resetting and cleaning up would probably take two hours at least.