volkswagon beetle



have a volkswagon beetle 2000, 2 litre petrol and its giving awful problems burning oil, have tried volkswagon but am getting no satisfaction, anyone any help or similar problems.
Found this link on google.

It's a long list but here's an extract:
My 2001 Beetle is burning approximately 3-3 1/2 quarts of oil every 3 thousand miles. Amazingly enough, the mechanic looked me right in the eye and informed that this is perfectly acceptable. I, oh so sweetly, informed good old Shawn that I was no Einstein when it comes to cars but even I know this is completely UNacceptable and what were they going to do about it?

The reply was we're not doing anything about it. I then asked the dealership to put in writing that there was nothing wrong with my engine even if it was burning mega amounts of oil. Yes, you guessed it, they really couldn't do that. I should just take their word for it. Since this incident I've been doing some research and have read literally thousands of complaints from people like me. How can this company get away with this?

The website, I think, replied:
Not necessarily. VW has for many years stated that burning one quart per thousand miles or so is within their engines' normal range. There is nothing inherently bad about this, as long as consumers keep an eye on the oil and top it off as needed.

Now, what's a quart??
burning lubricant

Under EU-legislation there is a legal limit concerning fumes/air pollution .Check with a mechanic if your beetle is still adhering to them.The VW Lupo needs no top-up with oil during it's entire Life time.So I doubt the information that VW engines are burning oil as a standard performance.It would ruin the catalyst I say,and the NCT test would be a problem as well,especially with more stringent standards concerning particle emissions/sooth.