Viewing property - questions to ask

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,

I know this may seem a little basic but you lot are a clever and thorough bunch and may cover something I haven't thought of..

Going to view a property this evening with good potential. New build, we are FTB etc. Outside of the general questions, are there any specifics we should be aware to enquire about (house energy rating etc). Any advice and all suggestions appreciated...
Re: Viewing Property - Qstns to ask

If the house is semi detached I would ask who the neighbours are. If the house is rented out ask for the landlords name and contact number if you decide to buy. Speaking from experience its a nightmare when you start having problems if you have no contact.
Re: Viewing Property - Qstns to ask

Thanks Mandy...
No, its detatched and on-land. I should have been more specific in my orignal post. We're not too 'innocent' when it comes to viewing property and have our list of questions made made out. (Finish / snag lists / attic insulation / energy rating etc).

It is sorrounded with a forest also, so we are trying to get in touch with Coillte to ascertain if this will be removed, if so, when. County Council are proving aloof when we enquire (by phone) about land zoning in the area and future developments - worth while calling in inperson to find out? Are they obliged to divulge this information to the public if requested?

A small stream runs along one border of the property - does anyone know if this will effect insurance premium by much?
Anything else we should consider ?
I'm guessing that its pretty non-existant - rural area, houses nearby in proximity. House alarm would be good to check though.. thanks!
I'd ask for a copy of the planning permission before placing an offer to make sure what was built is what they got approval for, some builders ad lib a bit.