Video Recorder/ Chorus Digital


Registered User
Hi all,
Is it possible to record digital TV from a VCR player. I seem to have no problem playing tapes but I can't record. I haven't tuned in any of the channnels on the TV, I watch everything through the digital box. Is this the problem? I'm a bit clueless when it comes to this kind of thing.
My set up is as follows:
Scart from DVD to TV
Scart from VCR to Digital Box
Scart from Digital Box to TV

The set-up you describe has no input to the video.

You need to run the digibox output to the video. The video output should go to the TV. Then tune in Chorus on the video and you are done.
Note that you can only record the station that is on the Digibox. (ie you cannot watch BBC1 while taping UTV).
With the config you posted you should be able to record the Digibox Channel, just make sure that the scart connector on your video player is a LineIN one, i.e. when you program your video to record you choose the channel as LineIN.
Or you could get the Chorus/UPC PVR box for €5 a month.
Works like sky plus and you can watch one thing while recording another.

I find it really handy :)
Switch on the Chorus (with the set-up I described earlier)
Select the TV channel you normally watch the video thru
Tune the TV until you get a picture
Just to add to this: you will need to set your Chorus box to record the relevant channel, time and duration and your video to record the Chorus channel (mine is AV) for the time and duration.