VAT3 Form


Registered User
Hi, was trying to do my vat return online but my digital cert has expired which will take a couple of weeks to renew so my question is how do I do the return. Tried emailing and calling Revenue etc but am still waiting for them to come back to me and couldn't get through on phone. Do they ever send out the VAT3 forms or where do I go from here??
It will take approx. 2 weeks to get a new digital cert if you go through the process yourself online.
However, if you contact you local tax district a ROS liaison officer there can fast-track it for you. Most districts have someone who can do this - the people I've known are usually in the Income Tax area.

If you explain that you need it urgently to file a Return that is due. They can have the new system password posted out to you in 3 or 4 days.
If you have an accountant or tax agent, you should ask them to submit your return under their digital cert.