Valentines Day - what a load of rubbish!


Registered User
Valentines day, it really is absolute rubbish isn't it!. We were bombarded with calls from friends this year asking if they can come over to our house at the weekend for a few drinks as they don't want to go out to the pubs on Saturday/Sunday because 1. lots of desperate people looking to hook up 2. lots of couples canoodling and buying each other overpriced roses etc in the pub after a few beers. Single girl friends are horrified to not be getting any cards or flowers and are making arrangements all week with each other to go out in gangs at the weekend and 'stick together' :rolleyes:

I have never liked valentines day... ever, husband always did the bunch of flowers etc but I think it's such a waste of money and so forced - the gesture is much devalued when expected and everybody else is doing it. I much prefer the nice little small romantic things done throughout the year, tea and papers in bed on a Sunday etc. If you need a greeting card company to tell you to be a little sweet or romantic with your significant other then there must be something wrong.

Overall Valentines day is just for teenagers, it's the only way they are able to make a fool of themselves and outwardly admit they like each other whilst securing a good shift for themselves! [Do people say shift anymore] - although it does mean that Pancake Tuesday isn't far away - so that's a positive I guess!:D

Bah humbag
Completely agree.

On my wife's instructions, I am not to even get her a card never mind overpriced flowers etc.

What's coming next "St Patrick's day cards" isn't it? :rolleyes:

Give me strength...
What exactly is supposed to be romantic about trying to be romantic at the same time as the rest of the country anyway.

But, I am a sucker for the home made cards the kids present me with every year.

Beyond the age of 11, Valentines day is just embarrassing
Don't fall for it Caveat. It's a trap!!! For the love of God man get something!!!

I think my husband used to think this - but genuinely I hate this day & the carry on that goes with it. Last straw was about three years ago when he came home from work with a bunch of roses that were pretty much rotten - he had paid 60-70 euro for this crap. Told him then and there - no more valentines for me - a cup o tae in the morning will do very nicely thank you! :D
I think my husband used to think this - but genuinely I hate this day & the carry on that goes with it. Last straw was about three years ago when he came home from work with a bunch of roses that were pretty much rotten - he had paid 60-70 euro for this crap. Told him then and there - no more valentines for me - a cup o tae in the morning will do very nicely thank you! :D

Couldn't agree more. I get incensed when I see people spending that amount on roses which were half the price the week before. Valentines day is nonsense imo but I know some girls who judge each other on what their boyfriends have given them! Pure mental.
Don't fall for it Caveat. It's a trap!!! For the love of God man get something!!!

:D I know what you mean but no, she's entirely serious.

She doesn't do hints/irony etc.

This of course was on my instruction ;)
Couldn't agree more. I get incensed when I see people spending that amount on roses which were half the price the week before. Valentines day is nonsense imo but I know some girls who judge each other on what their boyfriends have given them! Pure mental.

I work in a building with lots of girls age 20 - 30. There seems to be competition, one girls gets 12 red roses, is delighted until another girl gets 24 until another girl gets 48....
And also I want to go to cinema this weekend but couldn't face the loved up couples walking around the place - God I really do hate valentines day!
I can think of nothing worse than being in a restaurant on Valentine's night, crammed full of other couples all being self conciously 'romantic' -while the owners roll their eyes and laugh all the way to the bank. To be honest, I think Valentine's is a bit like New Year's Eve - you grow out of it all at about 25 and realise there's nothing wrong with staying at home that night and watching telly.
I work in a building with lots of girls age 20 - 30. There seems to be competition, one girls gets 12 red roses, is delighted until another girl gets 24 until another girl gets 48....

Oh God, I cannot stand when someone's boyfriend gets roses delivered to her AT WORK! That is not a bit romantic, it's just show offy, exhibitionism.
I hate cut flowers, who wants something in their house that's dying?

I told an (ex) boyfriend that I really didn't want flowers so he sent me 12 bottles of red wine instead. Much more enjoyable.
And also I want to go to cinema this weekend but couldn't face the loved up couples walking around the place - God I really do hate valentines day!

Now, now Ney001 - you cant blame Valentines Day for this. I also want to go to the cinema this weekend, so Ive booked it for 4pm on Saturday, that way I get to miss the soppy Valentines couples.

My hubby said to me rather pointedly last night 'we dont do Valentines' (short pause where he began to look worried, 'do we?'.
I (naturally) looked totally shocked and said 'WHAT, oh, ok then, eh, we dont, eh, let me think, could I cancel that now......hahahaha - ok we dont'. :)
Just no pleasing some people eh? ;)

Oh God, I cannot stand when someone's boyfriend gets roses delivered to her AT WORK! That is not a bit romantic, it's just show offy, exhibitionism.

Is it not the nearest thing humans get to peeing on a lamp post to mark his "territory"? :D

I'm going to get shot for that now...
Ha ha that reminds me.

When I was in secondary school - my dad (for a joke) sent a bunch of flowers and a badly written card signed from 'my secret admirer' to my school office - I got called up in assembly to collect my flowers - mortification! :eek:

I spent the day hiding, trying to figure it out until I came out the school gates and my dad was sitting in the car breaking his heart laughing!
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