UTV and Ch 4 On sky box

i bought the card around two years ago. I didn't use it for around 3 months awhile back and it deactivated. I left it in the sky box for 24 hours and it activated again.

Last week I got sky+. (I highly highly recommend it!! You have no idea how it improves your tv viewing). Anyway, they put a quad on your dish so you have two signals going into your sky+ box) I then put the UK subcard into my old box in another room. So it works a treat, no more swapping.
Lovely stuff,

Thanks for the info, you reckon the cards are still available on Ebay btw ?


I think the Sky ones are supposed to last minimum of 2/3 years.

Really, if you know anyone at all in the UK its the cheapest route....
Garrettod said:
Lovely stuff,

Thanks for the info, you reckon the cards are still available on Ebay btw ?



There are loads.
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Unregistered said:
I then put the UK subcard into my old box in another room. So it works a treat, no more swapping.

Hope you aren't connected to the phone line! That could be a big whoopsy for you and the end of your UK card
EC1 said:
Hope you aren't connected to the phone line! That could be a big whoopsy for you and the end of your UK card

Of Course...
Do you need to stay connected to the phone line, for the Sky Subscription card, thought you did for over the phone data updates, that true ?


Once your sub is up you get data updates through the dish such as box OS upgrades
could i check with anyone who has one of these cards if they can get e4? thanks.
Even better anyone know where I could geta list of channels available with the card.
not e4 no. c4 and s4c , list on bbc website in section on free tv

E4 is about to go FTV on digital terrestrial this Friday, i.e. people with newer digital aerials in the right area of the UK will get it free. BUT its not FTV on sat so only way to get it is Sky Subscription.

Now depending on where you live however, I.e. elevated East Coast or near Northern Ireland perhaps you could get it via a digital aerial from overspill aerial signal from the UK