Amex blue & Bord Gais/O2...?!?
Tedd & Rainyday,
I have substantial-ish monthly bills with both of these, and would of course dearly love to charge them both to my Amex blue (whatever about the oul' drink...!

I rang both accounts departments to arrange a switchover from my DD via MC, and O2 told me a flat 'no'. The young wan I got at Bord Gais, on the other hand, said 'yeah, sure, whatever...', and took all my details. Six months later, I got a 'phone call from them saying that my account had remained unpaid for six months and that I now needed to make an upfront payment of €500+ in order not to be disconnected. I protested the 'but you told me Amex was OK' line and they said no, very sorry but there must have been some misunderstanding, they didn't take Amex. As it happened, I had enough of a surplus balance at the time and siad yeah, charge it to the MC a/c. Afterwards, though I emailed their customer services and pointed out both the inconvenience to me of having to suddenly pay a lump sum of €500 and the cashback value I'd lost out on, and in fairness they apologised and applied a €10 credit to my account...
But now, from what you're telling me — and I know better than to doubt you guys on these matters (crawl, crawl, "we're not worthy", etc....!

) — I was right in the first place..?
Goddammit, I'm gonna chew the face off some poor young (underpaid, under-appreciated, under-skilled) telesales operative tomorrow! Al Pacino, move right over there, paesano...!
(Only kiddin'... I'm a big man, for 5'9", when I've a couple glasses of Christmas cheer inside me...)
Happy Chrimbo to one 'n' all (unless you happen to work in the accounts departments of Bord Gais/O2...)
Dr. M.