I disagree. I still think the risk is far too great for the limited savings you will make on commission and the interest to the CC company.
You may follow your CC everywhere on holidays and go to the machine and watch it being swiped, I know I do. However, the vast majority of people I've seen in restaurants paying for their meals, put the card on a plate which it is taken away and swiped and the receipt is brought to their table for signature. The affords the criminal the opportunity to skim the card.
Also, while on holidays, you are more likely not to be on your guard to the same extent as you would be while at home - relaxed, a bit too much alcohol, trying to keep an eye on the kids etc. The pockets in most holiday wear are more likely to be easier to pick than in the buttoned inside pocket of a jacket for example. A gang of professional pick pockets, if they decide that they want you as their next victim, are going to be very difficult to foil.
If your pocket is picked you lose all the money that you had lodged in advance and you have no comeback against the CC company. If you preloaded E2,000 and the money is taken from your account it would have taken an awful lot of FX commission and CC (extortionate) interest over a short period of time to have made this worthwhile.