Unpaid Redundancy - employment appeals tribunal


Registered User
Hi, hoping someone may be able to help.

Helped out a mate that was made redundant earlier last year. We followed the great advise posted here on the forum. Employed in the building trade and unpaid for 3 months the employer said that there was no more work as he was'nt getting paid by the big developer. So, obviously the employer had no cash.

We filled out the RP50 forms as suggested here and recently the employment appeals tribune have been in contact and have also contacted the employer. The employer tried to pull a quick one and tried to get him to sign a notice of cessation of employment back dated to last year (most likely to get out of this) but I don't see why as if he's got no cash. I read here that there is a govt fund (Social Insurance Fund) that pays out and all the employer needs is an accountants certificate showing that the company is insolvent and unable to pay the statutory redundancy.

If the company is insolvent and cannot pay the statutory redundancy, is there any obligation there after with the employer ?

I've suggested to my mate to continue with his appeal and look after himself but his employer (ex) seems to be putting pressure on him to drop it getting solicitors involved lately (but not with the employment appeals tribune from what i see)..

thoughts / suggestions appreciated.