Unmarried couple, rental income - Either of us declare?


Registered User

My GF and I have a rental income. She earned less than me last year so would seem to make sense from a tax saving point of view to nominate the income to her.

I have a Form 12 to fill out also, does it make a difference where it is declared ( mine or hers )?

She has not been issued a form 12 so she would have to file a tax return herself then also, if we declared the income as hers?

Is this the way it works at all........

You are separate individuals in the eyes of Revenue. If the property is in joint names and you are jointly receiving rental income then I believe that you must split it (and any relevant expenses etc.) 50:50 when doing your returns. I don't think that you can assign it to on or other partner. Also - are you sure that Form 12 suffices here and that you don't need to return a Form 11? Regardless of whether or not she has received a tax return form (most PAYE workers don't need to return one on an annual basis as long as their affairs are otherwise up to date) she must complete one to make a return of rental income now.