University pension scheme



Hi there,

I am hoping someone can help clarify my pension entitlements.

I have been working with a third level institution (a National University) since 2001. For the first three years I did not have a contract but was working full time hours. As a point of information, my payslips for this period had been applied with a label of “part time work”, though as I stated my hours were full time and my duties were equivalent to a full time comparable employee. I was given a fixed term contract in 2004 (in the same role) and subsequently a CID in 2007 (before the expiration of the 3 year fixed term contract).

I am due to be enrolled in a pension scheme and have been given a spreadsheet outlining my entitlements and detailing payments etc. According to this spreadsheet I am “pensionable” only from 14th July 2003 (the date of the Protection of Employees fixed term work Act 2003). However “Back-payments of contributions” are only due(calculated) from the start date of my full time contract/CID. “Clawback” for the spouse and childrens portion of pension is calculated as far back as 14/7/2003….this is then deducted from final lump sum (which I don’t understand).

My question is this: If I was “pensionable” from 14/07/03 then should I not be required to make back payments and receive matching contributions from employer back to this date? (and just to be sure….wouldn’t this be to my advantage?!)

Another question: Do I have pension entitlements for the period without a contract i.e. prior to 14/7/2003, back to 2001 under the Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001 came into operation on the 20th December 2001? i.e. worked at least 20% of hours of full time employee in same role….in my case I worked 100%!!

Third question: If I was entitled to pension rights above, would this mean I should be listed as enrolled in the pension scheme before April 2004, which would mean I could retire at 60 years of age (rather than 65 for post April 2004 entrants)? Or do I need 40 years service in any case? Sorry, I am not that au-fait with some of this stuff.

I hope this makes sense and that someone can help me out. I’ve tried to read through and understand as much documentation as possible on this and I just want to make sure I am getting what I am due as I was not treated fairly by the institution prior to this re: contract etc.

Many thanks in advance. I can try to clarify any points if requested.
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I'm no expert, but on the face of what you've posted my hunch is that the answer to your first two questions is 'yes' — you have a clear case for applying to buy back previous reckonable service at the rates you would/should have contributed then, which is clearly advantageous to you.

I think you might be out of luck on the third one.

If you feel the Pensions service of your institution is not being as helpful/forthcoming as they might, you could bring the matter to your Union and ask them to pursue it on your behalf. Or contact the broker responsible for administering your employer's scheme, presuming there is one?