If you have an unauthorised charge of 60c on your credit card listed as "Eircom chgcard" don't panic! This happened to me and I was afraid someone had linked a chargecard to my credit card account and was terrified other (high) call charges would appear. Eircom have introduced a monthly charge of 60c to all chargeards - those things they were getting us to bring on hols years ago. I got one but never used it and now have been charged this fee. I contacted Visa who said that this was introduced without notifying customers individually and if you want to cancel the card and ask for a refund then phone 1800 580 580. That's all very well but I happen to be at the other side of the world and spent the last 15 mins (no 1800 number from here!) on international calls getting this 60c cent charge reversed. Have also asked for a contribution towards my phone calls - any bets how long I'll be waiting for that??