Ultrasonic devices to get rid of mice do they work?

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We have an ultrasonic device plugged in at home for the past two years. It seems to work, but before the device we usually only got colonised by a couple of mice once a year (as weather turned cold) and in some years we escaped their visits, so it is too soon to judge.

Certainly, the device has some effect: when we first plugged it in, the mice became far more visible - i.e. they ran across the kitchen floor in front of us, whereas we had previously only ever seen their droppings. This seems consistent with the alleged modus operandi of these devices: that they make a loud noise outside the spectrum of what we can hear, that this makes quite a racket for the mice, and that they are not able to listen for other sounds so well (hence blundering out in front of us, because perhaps they could not hear us in the room?) all of which perhaps makes the house an uncomfortable hangout for them.

The device is pretty cheap anyway, so there is little to be lost by trying it.
to Catch mice the best method is A Cat.. Ask your neighbours, one of them must have a cat. borrow it let it loose where you think the mice maybe hidding... Traps are no good..
I have a mouse in house since last Thursday, we bought the ultrasonic devices but i dont know if it works...will it kill the mouse? if so what if it dies behind the kichen sick and i would not be able to put it out??

i couldn't let that happen so i got lots of mice traps, i hope when i get home he is in one...i know how cruel!!
Those thingy will not kill them...its an ultrasonic sound that hit their nerver system..like constantly making a screech sound will drive us crazy...but u need to know how they come into the house...if i were u i would use a mouse trap as well as a ultrasonic..they only act as a deterrent.
Have had an ultrasonic device in the house, but don't think it's overly effective. Best bet I found is the old fashioned mouse-trap with a small bit of ham on it. Set it one evening and the little mouse was dead the next morning. Poor fella.
I was told the ultrasonic devices will only work in scaring new mice away but not the ones already co-habiting your place. Apparently, they get used to the noise...
yep.mouse trap is old but effective way...we once had a smart mouse..got away from all mouse trap...even got away with the mouse glue if anyone heard of it...bottom line is u need to check out how they possibly come in and try block the passage
Figered out how they got in, two water outlet pipes under the sink but only one of them was in use, so the other pipe was basicaly a free path into the house, have blocked it up so we will see if that is an end to our critters.
have a look the area and check if any mice droppings...clean it up and put a mouse trap there..if no more dropping then thats a clear.
maybe leave a small bit of peanuts maybe.if peanuts dissappear then that can be a hint.
the mouse i have, ate the food on the trap and is didnt snap! whats the best food for the trap?
something soft..like cheese..kinda stick onto the hook..so the mice's motion can set off the trap...obviously the bate should be small in size..
The plug in devices DO work - we once lived in a pub that was infested with mice,....one day I opened the press and there were 2 just staring at me...every time i walked into a room some would scamper!! I bought about 3 plug ins and no sign of mice ever again.

Please dont go down the route of poison or glue. The poison is far too dangerous for other animals in or around your house and also children. I am a veterinary nurse and Warfarin poisoning is a big killer to dogs - so many owners bring their dogs in in a panic because its eaten their own rat/mouse poison.
We had mice for 4 years in a row even with the sonic device. One year a nearby building was demolished and we were seriously infested. They got into my car under the bonnet - its a wonderous sight to behold when you stop at traffic lights and one of your resident mice emerge from under the bonnet for a looksee and then dive straight back in as you move off. They were commuting mice!
Got a cat and only had one or two the first year (he was just a kitten and didn't catch any but I think the scent of him helped put the mice off) And haven't seen a live mouse since (2 years). If you can't keep a cat traps are good for cutting down the numbers but they breed so quickly you won't get them all. We got the best results with cooked rasher rind in the traps.
I am absolutely terrified of mice and when we moved into an old cottage in the countryside, mice were my biggest fear. I bought an ultrasonic plug in for every room and have never had any mice. We had bats in the eaves of the cottage the first summer but they moved on after two weeks of buying the plug ins and I am convinced that is the reason they left, they haven't returned since.
Some of the early ultrasonic devices only worked for the first few weeks but then the mice/rats get used to the sound and come back. We had a huge problem with rats 2 years ago, found one in the tub one morning trying to get out, and found this problem with the sonic devices. We bought one in woodies that changes the frequencey of the sound it produces every few hours and we have never seem a rat or any sign of them since.