Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

Hi, I wonder can anyone tell me if they've had any experience with this?

My money was received in England on 12 August '24

I received a receipt for same on 11th October '24 listing all the years I'd paid for

but it hasn't updated online. Is anyone else at this stage and how long did updating online take?

Thanks for any information
@blanketyblank I paid on 4 April 2024, have receipt dated 26 September, but not yet updated online.

A little frustrating as I'm shortly making a further payment for later years and would prefer to see earlier years updated first.
My updated additional years are also showing as Self-employment: 52 weeks' so I guess that is normal.
Regarding time frame for updating, I sent payment via Revolut in June '24 and and my record was updated in Jan '25.
I did not receive any receipt for payment.
My updated additional years are also showing as Self-employment: 52 weeks' so I guess that is normal.
Thanks for confirming @Skyline that this seems to be the norm. I kind of expected it to say voluntary overseas contributions from employment abroad or something along those lines as I'm not self-employed.
I rang a few days ago and they told me there is a 57 week delay in allocating but that she would send me a receipt for my payment which she said was on my account just not allocated to the relevant years.
I paid last July. Checked now and then and no sign of any updates. Called earlier this week and asked, they said it needed to be allocated and asked how I wanted to do it.. oldest first? But I was paying all years that were possible (I left Uk in ‘98) anyway it’s all sorted now and it’s showing as self employed as Pound Man above and the estimate of my pension has been updated.
I still can’t believe that an extra £11k a year is in my pension pot!
If you think this isnt correct, lodge an appeal & attach your supporting documentation.

I believe they use a batch postal system.
I think it is correct. I received the letter from HM today. Part of it reads that

'the relevant conditions are as follows:
1) 2 qualifying years and 52 NI contributions (of any class paid) before 6 April 1975.
2) 1 qualifying year and 104 NI contriubtions (of any class paid0 before 6 April 75.
3) 156 NI contributions of any class before 6th April 1975.
4) Enough NI contributions qualifying earnings factors for 3 years since 6 April 1975.

But the final paragraph in the letter says 'If you've lived or paid social security in the EU, an EEA country, Switzerland or Turkey, this can help you meet the conditions above. You should contact the social security authorities in the country you worked in and ask them for a copy of your foreign insurance record. This will show the contributions you paid there.

I'm confused as I'm reading this that when I returned to Ireland as it's an EU country and began working here then this qualifies me?
I'm confused
I'm confused about your confusion.

If I'm reading your posts correctly, you've been told you don't qualify as you don't have the minimum 3 years NI contributions.

My advice was that if you don't believe this conclusion to be correct, lodge an appeal & attach any supporting documentation you have.

If you half think they might have it wrong, lodge an appeal & attach any supporting documentation you have.

If you haven't a breeze what they are on about, lodge an appeal & attach any supporting documentation you have.

The worst that can happen is they say no & hopefully add more explanation.
@PoundMan yes 'You have contributions from Self-employment: 52 weeks' showing and also update my pension forecast. I didnt have 10 years contributions prior to the additional payments so nothing showed.

Now that ive met that condition I have a bar partially filled showing that as things stand id be entitled to nearly 80bob per week upon retirement. Just another 25 years of class 2 payments hoping that I see the day to benefit
Quick question on future payements of N.I. I am happy enough that I have paid all back contributions until and including 2018 to 2019. I see that the final date I can pay the rest ( 2019 t0 2014 ) is 5th April 2026 ,5th April 2027 etc. and I'm not bothered with pentalty fees for late payment, which is about 10%.
My question is that, if I pay a back payment this year and also a payment to cover this years N.I. contribution how do I let HMRC know this information so they do not take the total paid as being a back payment. Also is there a grace period for paying contributions going forward.
and I'm not bothered with pentalty fees for late payment, which is about 10%.
I'd try & pay on time if you can - they are not obliged to let you pay late & its a 'favour' that might get withdrawn.

My question is that, if I pay a back payment this year and also a payment to cover this years N.I. contribution how do I let HMRC know this information so they do not take the total paid as being a back payment.
Make the payment & then ring let them know what year(s) you are paying.
Also is there a grace period for paying contributions going forward
You'll get a notification each year, there'll be a date on that, I honestly don't recall what that due date is.

I pay it the day it lands, so I don't forget.

I completed all the advice on this forum and got approved for Class 2 last year and made my full paymnet in June 2024. i checked my record today and notice that the years 2018 - 2023 are now updated to
You have contributions from

Self-employment: 52 weeks

However as I'm class 2 and I paid the full backlog of 17/18 years I would have expected all my years ro be updated. Has this happened to anybody before as I see some people referecning partial updates on the site.

Just checking before I ring and go hold for an hour...
