TV Licence

Re: Pay up you cluts.

Ask About Money Alpha Male
or MAMAA backwards,
MaMaa sounds just like the noise rainyday makes as he throws his toys out of the pram whenever a poster doesn't adhere to the exact letter of the law no matter how small or petty the law.
Re: Pay up you cluts.

Now you see, that was personal, and as the Alpha Male I'm going to have to punish you.

Re: Pay up you cluts.

meekly submits while making concilliatory gestures ....

but with respect I'd have thought that your reference to rainyday wishing to be the alphamale started the "personalisation" ball rolling, you gave form to the description whereas I suggested a voice.
Re: Pay up you cluts.

Hi RD - Does that mean that you have already awarded yourself the 'Alpha Male' position? Was this a Saddam-type election with a 98% turnout and just one name on the ballot? Anyway, enjoy the chest-thumping and the grunting....

The concept of private citizens resigning just went right over my head - What are they resiging from? And yes, some of the 'we object to everything' style of opposition annoys me as much as it annoys you, but I'm not quite sure I see the relevance here.

But back to the issue at hand. I have completely forgotton who said what to who and why we are actually argueing/discussing this. I could spend a few minutes going back over the thread to come up with some tortuous logical oneupmanship, but really, life is too short.
Re: Pay up you cluts.

I like the movie idea. Britnet Spears would be about right for my part.
Re: Pay up you cluts.

Britnet Spears would be about right for my part.


fair play

Fair play to ya murt. I myself am sickened at having to pay for a licence each year, especially as I never watch RTE. (Sky digital only).
Re: fair play

And you're not sickened by having to pay Sky Digital to have Sky Sports 7 with 2 timeshift variations and repeats every 5 hours ?

Licence fee

In all my years, I’ve never actually paid a licence fee. Ireland has one of the highest rates of non-payment in the world at almost 20%.

Like the bin tax is an unfair tax on waste disposal, the licence fee is an unfair tax on communications. Look at the crap that RTE produce, and you’ll see that we’re not getting value for our licence any way.

As for all this mullarkey of a big fine, they’ve never given me any hassle other than a few threatening notes through the door. Anytime I’ve been doorstepped, I just tell them I’m a visitor there and walk out the door and away for 5 minutes. They’re only lazy civil servants anyway, and aren’t paid on the collection rate, so they have no interest in pursuing it, unless you’re blatant or aggressive.
Re: Licence fee

Unfortunately its the people who don't pay that make it more expensive for those that do.

Anyway what do I want from my TV licence. I'd like RTE to be sold off. I'd like a slimmed down PBS that makes childrens programmes without advertisers ramming stuff into their minds. And I'd like independant investigative journalism/commentary/news on TV and a radio station. That's it. No fair city, eastenders, amercian movies or any movies. etc no pop station, classical music. Even though I like all those things I don't think a tv licence should be paying for them. Wouldn't have to subsidsed all the staff in RTE who do what exactly, and expensive presenters.

Hi Breeze,

I'd like RTE to be sold off

Does this mean long standing licence holders might get a windfall? If so can I become a carpet bagger?

Re: Carpetbagger

Maybe, but probably wouldn't get much in money. I'd like a Brian Dobson tie and some glasses from Fair city pub.
Re: Carpetbagger

Hi ajapale

Does this mean long standing licence holders might get a windfall?

Unlikely, as RTE is owned by the government, rather than the individual licence holders. You'd see the windfall indirectly, possibly, through a reduction in the national debt, as with other privatisations.

From a piece of work I did in RTE long ago though, its easy to see why our licence fees are so high. As with most other semi-states, sheltered from competition, money is being wasted everywhere. For instance, Montrose is packed full of accountants and administrators. Also, while the idea of having two national orchestras in this country is an entirely laudable one, I'm not sure that the TV licence fee should be used to fund them.

Quality stations like Channel4 survive without licence fees or other government subvention. Surely, a slimmed down RTE could do likewise.