Turbocash accountancy package



Does anyone have any experience using TURBOCASH OPEN SOURCE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE - http://www.turbocashuk.com/index.html

It claims to be equivalent to sage instant accounts or quickbooks and is opensource ie free.

I need an accountancy package for small business sole trader with VAT.
There is a fork of that code based on deisagreements within the team that has resulted in an additional product called [broken link removed]. I've tried installing both and found OS Financials to be the better of the two from a technical point of view (i.e. getting the thing installed and up and running) - in fact I never got TurboCash to do what it's meant to do. I can't really comment on it from an accountancy point of view, but seems to be very comprehensive - over kill for what I needed. It does come with a sample set of books for an Irish business. Maybe your accountant (or any other accountants out there) could have a look and share an opinion with us?
I have used turbocash but gave up on it.
I found it very unintuitive and awkward to use. I'm not an accountant but know a bit about accounts.

If you find any good free packages let me know, thanks
I was using TurboCash for almost a year. At first, I thought it was great but as time went on, I noticed more and more inconsistencies/mistakes in reports. The data got screwed up on me a couple of times, which was the last straw.

I did accounting at school so I'm quite well up on the general theory, and I liked that there was a 'hardcore' double entry viewer available in TurboCash :) But, it was only because my business was so small and that I knew when figures looked wrong, that I was able to sort things out. Otherwise, the reports could have been way off and I would have had no idea.

So, I knew I could not continue with TurboCash. I have been using Quickbooks Simple Start 2008 for the last few months, and it is like a dream in comparison. Unlike TurboCash, you don't need to have a clue about accounts theory to use it - I think it would make sense to anyone, and the help files are really good if you are a bit confused. Everything is very visual. The main screen has a chart with icons on it showing the path of money through your business e.g. you have a invoices button pointing to a payments received button pointing to a bank account button. You just click on the button you want to do something with - so simple.

The cool/strange thing is, I just came across QuickBooks Simple Start by googling and it was a free download [broken link removed]
But at quickbooks.ie it costs 72 euro + VAT!? http://www.quickbooks.ie/quickbooks/Main/Prices.htm Perhaps, it's a localised version - a couple of reports in mine relate to the US tax system I think, but that's not the focus of the program so I don't think I'm losing out on anything...