trump for president good/bad for ireland

Maybe instead of continously whinging about Trump and Brexit people should be asking why people voted for them and why Le Pen is getting stronger in France and other right wing parties across Europe are increasing in support.
Maybe instead of continously whinging about Trump and Brexit people should be asking why people voted for them and why Le Pen is getting stronger in France and other right wing parties across Europe are increasing in support.
And why the Arab Spring, why ISIS and jihadist radicalisation? Answer: that damned Internet and its social media. Unfortunately folk like Wahaay seem to dominate this swamp. The Donald tweets, others radicalise.
  • Populist governments all over the world just look at Ireland.Productivity gains not rewarded lobby Groups making all the gains.The Milkmaid and her pail comes to mind.
i don't want my thread closed so i am going to throw your debate off the rails for a while
what is the ratio of supreme judges Republicans /democrats and what ratio does it take to get new laws passed ?

The supreme court don't pass legislation, but their powers allow them to strike out legislation they believe unconstitutional.
Maybe instead of continously whinging about Trump and Brexit people should be asking why people voted for them and why Le Pen is getting stronger in France and other right wing parties across Europe are increasing in support.

"People" believe that the know why (presumably other) people voted for Brexit, or Trump. Because those voters saw it as a protest vote. They were unhappy with the status quo and wanted change.

The reason that those who are, to use your word whinging, is because they think that Brexit and Trump will make the situation worse.

In particular it will make things worse for the very people who voted Brexit and to a lesser extent Trump. Those who were doing well before will still do well after, though perhaps less well. Those who were not doing so well before, may find things getting distinctly worse.
i don't want my thread closed so i am going to throw your debate off the rails for a while
what is the ratio of supreme judges Republicans /democrats and what ratio does it take to get new laws passed ?
There are 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans at the moment as well as one vacancy. If Trumps man gets in that will give him a majority. A majority of 60 is required to get a Supreme Court Judge elected. The Republicans have a majority of 52 (I think). Unless they get 8 Democrats to vote for their guy the stalemate will continue. This incident will not help their cause.

On a side note; Read Trumps Tweets in a Homer Simpson voice and you will see how he could be a dialogue writer on the show.
  • Populist governments all over the world just look at Ireland.Productivity gains not rewarded lobby Groups making all the gains.The Milkmaid and her pail comes to mind.
The productivity gains outside the Multinational sector are a result of lower pay costs. We dropped one place between 2014 and 2015. I expect we will drop further in the coming years as money that should be spent on infrastructure is spent on wage increases in the Public Sector. The Impact of Brexit and Trump will also have a major bearing on things. Read this and see how fragile the whole thing is.
It was a Republican appointed judge Who took Trump down a peg last week. Some of the present supreme court Judges appointed by Democrats presidents were first appointed judges by former Republican presidents .T think it is 5 Republicans to 3 Democrats.
Although there is a perception of Republican and Democrat judges, I think all judges would claim that they are independent.

A simple majority is required in the senate to approve the appointment of a supreme court judge.

This can be complicated in a number of ways, the relevant committee has to allow the nomination to be put to the Senate, this is why Obama didn't make an appointment when the vacancy arose last year.

A filibuster, basically a senator talking until the time is up, can prevent a vote taking place. This can be prevented by a vote of 60 senators.

To further complicate things, the filibuster rule could be amended by a simple majority. This is something that might happen but is seen as excessive by some senators.
They say 50/50 and that the new boy will be swinger (forgive the pun).Just needs a majority .

From what I read it appears that the Democratic leaning judges take the view that the Constitution is a moving feast and must move with the times.
....................................................Republican leaning judges take the view that the constitution only means exactly what it meant when enacted.

I can go with both views and that (democratic) types require a (soft -brexit) type interpretatation.
(republican) types require a (hard -brexit) type interpretation.

Like ourselves maybe their Constitution needs an overhaul ?
Joke or is it?
A racist, a sexual predator and a billionaire walked into a bar. The barman said, "What can I get you Mr. President?"
Mr Trump appears to be fixated on trying to denigrate Mr Obama , and blame past,present and future on Obama !.
It seems to be an exercise in blatant character assassination ?
Am I wrong ?
Is it possible to get to like this guy? He said some nice things about Ireland. And there is something a bit endearing about him not caring a fig that Henda used to see him as a very bad hombre indeed. Yes we hear Henda's explanation that he was attacking his words and not him the man, all the same
It looks like Donald is on his way to the dear old Emerald Isle. We will be able to make gobshites of ourselves again like we did over the make believe Irishman Obama
I see General Trump is now on the ball with President Kim (known affectionately as fatty the 3rd).
If it wasn,t serious it could be funny !

General Trump reminds me of the old comment of a Union General about a Confederate General who lost a lot of men,

{he is a very brave General, he volunteers his men for anything }