Trim and surrounding areas ?


Registered User
Thinking of moving soon and would like to know if anyone has opinions good or bad about Trim and surrounding areas ? (ie schools, shops, transport, recreation).

Anyone have experience of commuting to Dublin from Trim ?
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

Hi redstar

I am actually moving from Kildare Town to Ballivor which is about 10kms from Trim hopefully in the next 2 weeks.
Main reason we are moving there from Kildare is the fact that my wife has a sister living in Trim.
Trim I think is a very pretty town from what I know of it but another reason I am moving to Ballivor is that it is a lot smaller and the houses are cheaper.
My daughter is going to a creche in Ballivor with the primary school right opposite.
Since we both work in Dublin we will be commuting by driving to Maynooth and going the rest of the way by train. We could go to Enfield but the train service is not that good.

Obviously if commuting by car from Trim to Dublin it will get busy plus I have heard that the bus gets pretty packed as well.
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

Grew up there, my family and girlfriend live there, and I would hope to move back sometime in the future. Perfect amentities for families as well as choices for schools. Not much crime either, but that's changing, just like anywhere in Ireland really. Being a local I can confess the locals are a bit clannish and keep to themselves but they don't bite. The town and surrounding area is seeing lots of people from Dublin and elsewhere settling down there and they seem to integrate easily. If anything, all the new blood is breathing life into the area. It's a pretty town, lots of amazing history and in ideal swooping distance of Dublin. Thumbs up from me, but I am biast.
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

My uncle, aunt and younger cousins live there and im there quiet often. I find it somewhat old fashioned, the main street seems hopelessly out of date with its antiquated coffee shops... however I suppose that will change. My cousins go to a school just outside of the town and as far as I know its decent and not over crowded or anything.
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

Interested to read this; any information on community groups, GAA, Scouts, amateur dramatics or similar stuff in Ballivor?
Commuting from Trim to Dublin City Centre

I'm wondering if anyone does this commute? I'm thinking about selling my studio apt in Dublin suburbs and moving out for a bit more space. Is this a crazy commute?

What would be the driving time in and out? (Summer & Winter)
Would it be possible to work a regular 9-5 and rely on Bus Eireann ?
What about the motorbike option - anyone any comments on this ?

This would be a major upheavel for me so would really appreciate any comments from someone in the know! Thanks!:)
Re: Commuting from Trim to Dublin City Centre

wife did this commute for 2 yrs until last december

good bus service and if you work in city centre then no prob - up in 70 mins

driving - dont even think about it unless you work flexitime - 7 to 3

trim a good place to live - developing nicely
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

Thanks for the reply tosh100. I am now toying with the idea of driving to Maynooth to get the train into city centre... (my other half would be travelling as far as Blanch/Coolmine)... would you, or anyone else on this forum, have any knowledge of the road from Trim to Maynooth (the R158).

I am hoping that it would be a quiet, relatively traffic free road and that it would be negotiable in about 30 mins during 'peak' times ? Am I being naive in the extreme ?

Also has anyone any opinions good/bad/indifferent on the idea of parking in Maynooth station (surrounding areas).

All replies would be gladly welcomed as I'm really quite concerned about spending money (I'm not very well off!) on making a move to Trim.

Thanks again. :)
Quite a poor road between trim and maynooth - trim to summerhill brillo, summerhill to kilcock twisty and narrow, kilcock to maynooth very good. Can be done in 30 mins but not a road i'd like during the winter however plans are afoot to improve this road. Best thing is to drive it yourself. Still some value in Trim property prices but have risen b4 my eyes in last six months.
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

gianni said:
Also has anyone any opinions good/bad/indifferent on the idea of parking in Maynooth station (surrounding areas).


From what I can remember, Maynooth station tends to fill up at around 7.30. However, it has been a while since I have done it so it might be even worse now!!
Many thanks for the speedy reply tosh.:)

I will go out this evening and drive the road and see what I make of it.

Can be done in 30 mins but not a road i'd like during the winter however plans are afoot to improve this road.

Am I correct in assuming that your reservations about the road are that is bad from a safety point of view rather than a traffic point of view? I'm not too concerned about a twisty road as long as I would be making steady progress.

Still some value in Trim property prices but have risen b4 my eyes in last six months.

We started looking at Trim about 6 mths that time the price of the avg 3 bed, in the development we're interested in, has gone from 270K to 315K.:eek: I'm not really looking to speculate on property, more interested in getting a long-term family home, but when you see increases like this it's easy to see how property has become THE national topic of conversation.
From what I can remember, Maynooth station tends to fill up at around 7.30. However, it has been a while since I have done it so it might be even worse now!!

Thanks for the advice Sunny.

In your time of using the station was it evident that many people parked in the estates around the train station ? Kingsbry, Greenfield etc... I'm wondering if this would be an option if I arrived to a full station car park....

Also any bad experiences re cars being broken into/vandalised or suchlike ?(I doubt if anyone would want to break into my heap...most expensive part of it is the pine tree air freshner...:D )
gianni said:
Am I correct in assuming that your reservations about the road are that is bad from a safety point of view rather than a traffic point of view? I'm not too concerned about a twisty road as long as I would be making steady progress.

I live along the Summerhill-Kilcock stretch, and traffic* isn't as much of a problem as the poor road-surface and twists - however this road is due to be upgraded soon to similar quality to the Trim-Summerhill stretch.


*although, in common with a lot of these twisty rural roads, if you're unlucky you can get stuck behind quarry trucks all the way from Summerhill to Kilcock with few opportunities to overtake safely
I live along the Summerhill-Kilcock stretch, and traffic* isn't as much of a problem as the poor road-surface and twists - however this road is due to be upgraded soon to similar quality to the Trim-Summerhill stretch.

Thanks for your help Govinda.

I have just returned to my house having driven the Trim/Maynooth road. It is exactly as described by you and by tosh100. It took me 32 minutes from leaving my soon-to-be new house to the car park in Maynooth Station.

Admittedly I did this trip leaving Trim at 7.15pm but would it be fair to say that the morning/evening commute wouldn't take much longer ?

I was also pleasantly surprised at the size of the carpark in Maynooth station. I had only ever really noticed the few spaces at the entrance and hadn't realised that it stretched so far down by the canal. Although from what earlier posters suggest it doesn't take long for it to fill up. I think however that parking across the road in the housing estate is a safe enough option.
Re: Any opinions on Trim and surrounding areas ?

Kildrought said:
Interested to read this; any information on community groups, GAA, Scouts, amateur dramatics or similar stuff in Ballivor?

Ballivor has GAA grounds and just started up under age ladies this year so its coming on well. Don't think theres much in the line of amateur dramatic but thats all in trim and its only a 10/15 minute drive.
Trim has every group that you need. From scouts to GAA, Tennis, musicals, dance groups etc....
I'd find it very difficult to deal with the guilty conscience of parking in a housing estate by a train station. It's just brutually unfair to residents of the estate. Imagine being in their shoes and think about how ugly it would be to have strangers abandoning their cars by your house every day..... you seem to mention it without an ounce of empathy... why so?