Travel Insurance?


Registered User
I recently had to cancel a family trip to France due to an major illness. I got in touch with the insurance company to reclaim what I could from the cost of the flights, it went as follows.
*******299.94 EUR Adult
*******124.23 EUR Taxes,Fees & Charges
********33.24 EUR Aviation / WCHR Levy
*********0.00 EUR Car Rental
*********0.00 EUR Insurance
*******457.41 EUR Total Paid
The Insurance company dispensed with the Taxes, Fees & Charges of 124.23 EUR and advised me "that taxes can be claimed back from the airline"
They gave me a cheque for EUR108.18, that's EUR333.18 minus three excesses of EUR75, due to the three people travelling!! Question is, are they right or correct to withhold the EUR 124.23?? and How do I redeem the mentioned money from Ryanair??
Did you read the terms & conditions of your policy document and try to correlate the results of the claim against them?

As regards claiming other charges back from Ryanair see here but I suspect that the cost and hassle will make it not worthwhile.

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