Transferring funds from Public Service Scheme


Registered User
Hi all,

I've been paying contibutions to CIEs pension scheme for the last twenty years and have a significant amount built up. In addition, I also have a substantial sum in an AVC with Irish Life. With the virtual collapse in public finances I've been wondering about the best way to provide for my old age .

I think there's a pretty good chance of privatisation in the next few years, and having worked for over a decade in three different jobs in the private sector in my time, it's been my unfortunate experience that honesty is at a very high premium among business people. I'm pretty sure the first order of business for any incoming private sector operator will be to mount a raid on the pension fund, so my first question is what, if any, legal restraints are on employers to prevent them doing a Robert Maxwell?

Secondly, would it be possible in the event of a new employer taking over to withdraw my pot in the company pension scheme and add it to my AVC with Irish Life, changing the whole thing over to a PRSA?